Features (V3)

  • CommonUI System Integration
  • Fully usable CommonInputBase databases with 500 Input icons
  • Dynamic layout switching between input types
  • Saveable settings: Graphics / Display / Control / Input / Audio / Language / Credits
  • Pre-built localization with Localization Dashboard

Used Plugins: CommonUI Plugin

Gamepad-Support: Yes

Network Replicated: No (Widgets are always clientside)

Number of Blueprint Classes: 39

Number of Widgets: 36

Number of Materials: 31

Number of Textures: 586

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Mac

Additional Info: 

Pro Main Menu V3 is only available in UE 5.0 and 5.1

Pro Main Menu V2 is only available in UE 4.19 and 4.27

Pro Main Menu V1 is only available in UE 4.18 and lower

Note: Before you purchase, please make sure that you have a good experience with blueprints and the engine in general. This asset can save a lot of time, but general basic knowledge is a prerequisite for implementation.


  • CommonUI系统集成
  • 具有500个输入图标的完全可用的CommonInputBase数据库
  • 输入类型之间的动态布局切换
  • 可保存设置:图形/显示/控制/输入/音频/语言/学分
  • 使用本地化仪表板预构建本地化

使用过的插件: CommonUI插件

游戏手柄-支持: 是的

网络复制: 不(小部件总是客户端)

蓝图类数: 39

小部件数量: 36

材料数量: 31

纹理数量: 586

支持的开发平台: Windows,Mac

支持的目标构建平台: Windows,Mac





注: 在购买之前,请确保您对蓝图和一般引擎有良好的体验。 该资产可以节省大量时间,但一般基础知识是实现的先决条件。

A fully comprehensive, elaborately designed main menu built with the CommonUI system. It includes full gamepad support, control, audio, graphic and keyrebinding options and many more features. Through a combination of primary data assets and the stylesheet systems of the CommonUI system – which mainly consists of text and button styles – the complete UI style can be customized via the style classes.

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一个完全全面的,精心设计的主菜单建立与CommonUI系统. 它包括完整的游戏手柄支持,控制,音频,图形和键盘绑定选项以及更多功能。 通过将主要数据资源和CommonUI系统的样式表系统(主要由文本和按钮样式组成)相结合,可以通过样式类自定义完整的UI样式。

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