- Linear and Circular Progress Bar
- Independently managing Progress Bars
- Detailed Effects Section
- Various Custom Blueprint Nodes
Number of Blueprints: 12
Number of Widgets: 16
Number of Textures: 67
Network Replicated: No, Widgets are always clientside
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Mac
Important/Additional Notes:
Please make sure that you have enough experience in handling Blueprints and UMG. This asset does not replace the
work of a HUD or Interface, but can speed it up a lot in terms of working with progress bars.
Known issues (14th dec 2020):
- Due to a rendering bug in Unreal 4.24 – 4.26 with retainer boxes and progress bars, the visualisation of the progress bars can sometimes look incorrect. A bug report is submitted and an update is in progress.
- A bug in 4.26.0 appeared where delays are not being executed while the game is paused. It might lead to some errors. A bug report is submitted and an update is in progress.
- 线性和圆形进度条
- 独立管理进度条
- 详细效果部分
- 各种自定义蓝图节点
蓝图数目: 12
小部件数量: 16
纹理数量: 67
网络复制: 不,小部件总是在客户端
支持的开发平台: Windows,Mac
支持的目标构建平台: Windows,Mac
请确保您在处理蓝图和UMG方面有足够的经验。 此资产不会取代
- 由于虚幻4.24-4.26中存在一个带有固定框和进度条的渲染错误,进度条的可视化有时看起来可能不正确。 一个错误报告提交和更新正在进行中.
- 在4.26.0中出现了一个错误,在游戏暂停时没有执行延迟。 这可能会导致一些错误。 一个错误报告提交和更新正在进行中.
HQUI Progress Bars is a pack of highly customizable UMG Progress Bars. Due to considerably more setting details than the standard UMG Progress Bars and technical preparation, it‘s the ideal tool to design high-quality Progress Bars in UMG and adapt them to your own UI and HUD design.
The progress bars are equipped with useful additions such as gradients and a detailed effects section. In addition, the progresses can be executed both statically and temporally interpolated. A manager function allows context-sensitive execution of the most relevant settings via Blueprint. All Percent commands that are executed via an Interpolated Progress bar are queued and executed automatically one after the other.Preview | Documentation | Tutorials | Demo Build | Discord
HQUI进度条是一组高度可定制的UMG进度条。 由于设置细节比标准UMG进度条和技术准备要多得多,因此它是在UMG中设计高质量进度条并使其适应您自己的UI和HUD设计的理想工具。
进度条配备有用的补充,如渐变和详细的效果部分。 此外,可以静态地和时间地内插地执行该过程。 管理器函数允许通过蓝图上下文敏感地执行最相关的设置。 通过插值进度条执行的所有百分比命令都将排队并一个接一个地自动执行。预览 | 文件 | 指南 | 演示构建 | 不和谐