Plugins used: Motion Warping Plugin
Features: In-Place Animations, Including additive Aim Offset Blendspace
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
Number of Animations: 37
Number of Anim Montages: 4
Number of Blend Spaces: 1
Animation types: 4 Root Motion (Turn Anims) / 33 In-Place
使用的插件: 运动翘曲插件
特征: 就地动画,包括加法瞄准偏移Blendspace
装备史诗骨架: 是的
动画数量: 37
Anim蒙太奇的数量: 4
混合空间数: 1
动画类型: 4根运动(转动动画)/33就地
A small pack of Crouch Animations for use in a Locomotion. Includes one kneeling and one standard Crouch Locomotion unit. Also includes Turn In Place with Motion Warping and a sample Animation Blueprint.
一小组蹲伏动画用于运动. 包括一个跪姿和一个标准蹲姿运动单元。 还包括旋转到位与运动翘曲和一个示例动画蓝图.