- 52 static meshes
- 13 master materials and 24 material instances
- 46 textures (mainly 4k)
- 1 BP (opening doors in game)
- 2 levels (demo and overview)
- Landscape assets (3 layerinfo, 2 grasstypes)
- Landscape layers: with grass meshes, without grass meshes, rubble
- Collisions generated in engine
- 1-3 Lods
- Player can enter houses
- Vertex Count – 12-121000
Meshes: barn, bush01 2versions, bush02 3versions, ceiling, curtain, doors left and right with 2 different pivot points, floor and floor with a hole, 2x wall with windows, 2x wall with doorway, 2x wall corners, 1x wall without windows, 2x stone pilars, plowed field mesh, 4 small rocks, roof center and 2x end parts, 2x stairs outside, 1x stairs inside, 2 types of stone walls and stone wall corners, 1x longer stone wall and stone wall corner.
Tested in win64 / GTX 1070 / i5 : Cinematic settings – 60+ FPS
- 52静态网格
- 13个主材料和24个材质实例
- 46纹理(主要是4k)
- 1BP(在游戏中打开大门)
- 2个级别(演示和概述)
- 景观资产(3layerinfo,2grasstypes)
- 景观层:有草网格,没有草网格,瓦砾
- 发动机中产生的碰撞
- 1-3点
- 玩家可以进入房屋
- 顶点数-12-121000
网格:谷仓,bush01 2versions,bush02 3versions,天花板,窗帘,门左右有2个不同的枢轴点,地板和地板有一个洞,2x墙与窗户,2x墙与门口,2x墙角,1x墙无窗,2x石壁柱,
Video HERE
Playable Demo HERE
Playlist of all my assets HERE
My other assets page HERE
Editable modular houses with environment assets. Different houses can easily be achieved by mixing different materials and meshes.
短片 这里
可玩演示 这里
我所有资产的播放列表 这里
我的其他资产页面 这里
具有环境资产的可编辑模块化房屋。 不同的房屋可以很容易地通过混合不同的材料和网格来实现。