Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  •  High quality and realistic sounds
  •  No need for loop sounds (a combination of sound concurrency setup, random single shots and automatic fire system make automatic fire realistic so there is no need of using audio loops)
  •  Professionally mixed and mastered

Number of Audio Waves: 415

Number of Audio Cues: 72

Sample rate / bit rate: 44,100 Hz

Do Sound FX loop: No

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Documentation: All you need to know in order to test the sound effects is written inside the Demo Level:

  1. Press Left Mouse Button to fire the current gunshot sound effect
  2. Use the keys “1” or “2” to change the current gunshot
  3. Hold Left Mouse Button for automatic fire

Important/Additional Notes: For those who want to change the fire rate of the weapons, in the First Person Character Blueprint there is a variable called: Firerate, which now has a value of 0.08. Increase or decrease that number to get different fire rates. This pack contains only gunshot sound effects (no reloading, cocking, etc. )

If you like this pack, feel free to write a review and rate it. This will keep me motivated to create better and better assets. Thank you!


  •  高品质和逼真的声音
  •  不需要循环声音(声音并发设置,随机单枪和自动射击系统的组合使自动射击逼真,因此不需要使用音频循环)
  •  专业混合和掌握









  1. 按鼠标左键触发当前的枪声效果
  2. 使用键”1″或”2″更改当前射击
  3. 按住鼠标左键自动开火

重要/附加说明:对于那些想要改变武器射速的人来说,在第一人称角色蓝图中有一个名为:Firerate的变量,它现在的值为0.08。 增加或减少该数字以获得不同的火灾率。 这个包只包含枪声效果(没有重装,翘起等)。 )

如果你喜欢这个包,随时写一个评论和评价它。 这将使我有动力创造更好更好的资产。 谢谢!


This SFX pack contains 415 gunshots for Assault Rifles, Grenade Launchers, Shotguns, Sniper Rifles and Submachineguns. There are 72 different weapons, each one having 5 or 6 variations so every time when a fire is shot, a different sound is randomly chosen from the variations list. For every weapon, there is a sound cue with the necessary setup to play random gunshots. The sound cues also come with a sound concurrency rule which allows player to use automatic fire for all weapons without using audio loops or other complicated systems. Every sound was professionally mixed and mastered so the final product is very natural, realistic and immersive. This is perfect for any first or third person shooters or any other project that needs professional firearms sounds. The pack comes with a basic automatic fire system which you can use it for your own weapons or just to test the sounds (as seen in the video above)

Check my other packs HERE


这个SFX包包含突击步枪,榴弹发射器,霰弹枪,狙击步枪和冲锋枪的415枪声。 有72种不同的武器,每种武器都有5或6种变化,所以每次射击时,都会从变化列表中随机选择不同的声音。 对于每种武器,都有一个声音提示,具有播放随机枪声的必要设置。 声音提示还带有声音并发规则,允许玩家在不使用音频循环或其他复杂系统的情况下对所有武器使用自动射击。 每个声音都是专业的混合和掌握,所以最终的产品是非常自然,现实和身临其境。 这是完美的任何第一或第三人称射击游戏或任何其他需要专业枪械声音的项目。 该包配有一个基本的自动射击系统,您可以将其用于自己的武器或只是为了测试声音(如上面的视频所示)

检查我的其他包 这里
