– NEW in 4.25 32 Niagara Particle Systems
– 32 Cascade Particle Systems
– 46 Textures
– UPDATED in 4.25 Previously 21 Materials, now optimized to 8 Materials!
– UPDATED in 4.25 Previously 14 Material Instances, now with added flexibility of master materials, there are 27 material instances!
– 2 Blueprints (for the pooling blood)
– 4 meshes (1 blood pool mesh, 3 gib meshes)
– 新的4.25 32尼亚加拉粒子系统
– 更新于4.25 以前21种材料,现在优化到8种材料!
– 更新于4.25 以前有14个材质实例,现在增加了主材质的灵活性,有27个材质实例!
This pack contains over 20 different blood effects ready to be placed into your game!
NEW in 4.25:
NIAGARA SUPPORT: All 11 “stylized realism” and 21 “toon” blood fx now have Niagara System versions as well as the cascade particle systems.
EASY RECOLORING: Changes to the materials and the Niagara System particle fx allow for easy recoloring of blood! Every Niagara System comes with a user variable called “BloodColor” which allows you to recolor any blood particle system with one simple tweak!
OPTIMIZED MATERIALS: Consolidated into 8 master materials with improved design over the old materials to save memory and allow for more flexibility.
Pack Details:
Included in the pack are a variety of gruesome particle effects, from bullet squibs and blade slices to dismemberment and decapitations, as well as a customizable blueprint that, when placed into your scene, will detect the floor and ceiling and place dripping blood and a growing blood pool. The effects are separated into two distinct styles: a stylized realism and a “toon” style, making this an easy match for your game!
Documentation: www.fxville.com/products#unreal
Video Overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRi8GfpYFoI
容易重新着色:改变材料和尼亚加拉系统粒子fx允许容易重新着色的血液! 每个尼亚加拉系统都有一个名为”血色”的用户变量,它允许你通过一个简单的调整重新着色任何血液粒子系统!
包中包含各种可怕的粒子效果,从子弹squibs和刀片切片到肢解和斩首,以及可定制的蓝图,当放置到您的场景中时,将检测地板和天花板,并放置滴血和不断 效果分为两种不同的风格:风格化的现实主义和”香椿”风格,使这一容易匹配您的游戏!
文件: www.fxville.com/products#unreal
短片概览: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRi8GfpYFoI