No matter what your UV layout look like, VFX Material always present Seamless!!
Support Overlay Material
There is a parameter called “_VfxMix” in VFX material,Just push it from 0 to 1 ,The Effect will appear gradually !!
These VFX material Also can be used on Enviromental Object(static mesh) in the scene
Foolproof Override parameters for Scalable Size,Custom Color,Duration etc..
Well organized assets,good name convention,high visual qulity with efficiency and good optimization!!
self Scalability(LOD)
The name of VFX has keyword: “Attach” means this VFX Niagara system need to attach under a skeletal mesh.
The Vfx called”Vfx_GpuAttachSlowSlime” and “Vfx_GpuAttachCombust”has volumetric feature.Thus You need turn On the Plugin : NiagaraFluids and Niagara Chaos.Notice: make chaos and fluid plugin activated first . then install the package.
Type of Emitters: CPU/GPU
Number of Unique Effects: 10
LODs: Yes
Number of Materials: 34
Number of Textures: 40
Number of Blueprints: 1
Number of Unique Meshes: 1
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
Documentation: using guide is in the description box of this Video https://youtu.be/8zTt-fN4dX4
Important/Additional Notes: Please Enable Niagara,Niagara Chaos and NiagaraFluids plugin First !! then install the package.
称为”Vfx_GpuAttachSlowSlime”和”Vfx_GpuAttachCombust”的Vfx具有体积特性。因此,您需要打开插件:NiagaraFluids和Niagara Chaos。注意:使混乱和流体插件激活 第一个 . 然后安装软件包。
文档:使用指南在这个视频的描述框中 https://youtu.be/8zTt-fN4dX4
重要/附加说明:请启用Niagara,Niagara Chaos和NiagaraFluids插件 第一个 !! 然后安装软件包。
There are Two Part in this Pack. Material and VFX.
HD Preview>> https://youtu.be/8zTt-fN4dX4
For Material: There are two types of material,Overlay material and Optimized material.
1.Overlay material: just put material into overlay material slot directly,then Push parameter called:”_Vfxmix”push it from 0 to 1. Pls take a look at Map : “OverView_DemoScene_OverlayCharacterStatus”
2.Optimized material: Combine Original Material and VFX material as one.just more Optimized than Overlay material Workflow.Use the Material directly to replace Original,then Push parameter called:”_Vfxmix”push it from 0 to 1. Pls take a look at Map : “OverView_DemoScene_CharacterStatus01”
For VFX: Let VFX Attaching to SkeletonMesh via Niagara System Componet in Ur BluePrint. The mesh be attached by VFX need to enable “Allow Cpu Access” The VFX in the folder called “ForStaticMesh” are able to attach to StaticMesh.U can Use it on Ur Weapon so no and so forth.Well organized assets, high visual qulity with efficiency and good optimization!!!
Override parameters for Scalable Size,Custom Color,Height etc..easy to use!!Dont need to understand NiagaraSystem!
17 type of Unique VFX material and 10 type of Unique VFX Niagara particle system.See if you can find out some keywords from the name of Character Status below .Maybe There are someone useful for Your Project.Name List :
The VFX in the folder called “ForStaticMesh” are able to attach to StaticMesh.U can Use it on Ur Weapon so no and so forth.The mesh be attached by VFX need to enable “Allow Cpu Access”
Please Enable Niagara, Niagara Chaos and NiagaraFluids plugin First !! then install the package.Thx
You may like this corresponding VFX Foundation Series :
ProjectileVFX with Hit and Launch VFX
VFX Option Series :
Ice and Tsunami VFXLightning & Thunder VFX
Waterfall and Water Element VFX
If you have any Question and did not buy it yet , Please Go to My FB : https://www.facebook.com/DrGame-1041363192578952
or just leave a comment under Preview Video ( youtube ).If You have bought it already . Please provide Your Order ID first (via Email or FB) . Before you ask technical support .
这个包里有两部分。 材料和特效。
高清预览>> https://youtu.be/8zTt-fN4dX4
1.叠加材质:直接将材质放入叠加材质槽中,然后推入名为”_Vfxmix”的参数将其从0推到1。 请查看Map:”OverView_DemoScene_OverlayCharacterstatus”
2.优化材质:将原始材质和特效材质结合为一体.比叠加材料工作流程更优化。直接使用材料替换原来的,然后推参数称为:”_Vfxmix”推它从0到1。 请查看Map:”OverView_DemoScene_CharacterStatus01″
对于VFX:让VFX通过Ur蓝图中的Niagara系统组件附加到SkeletonMesh。 由VFX附加的网格需要启用”允许Cpu访问”,名为”ForStaticMesh”的文件夹中的VFX能够附加到StaticMesh。你可以在你的武器上使用它,所以不,等等。组织良好的资产,高视觉质量与效率和良好的优化!!!
17种独特的特效材料和10种独特的特效尼亚加拉粒子系统。看看你是否可以从下面的字符状态名称中找到一些关键字。也许有人对你有用Project.Name 名单 :
请启用Niagara,Niagara Chaos和NiagaraFluids插件 第一个 !! 然后安装软件包。Thx
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特效选项系列 :
如果您有任何问题,还没有购买,请到我的FB : https://www.facebook.com/DrGame-1041363192578952
或者只是在预览视频(youtube)下发表评论。如果你已经买了它。 请先提供您的订单编号(通过电子邮件或FB). 在您要求技术支持之前。