
  • Un-Guided such as RPG – (Rocket propelled Grenade), aim at nearby target and fire. Rocket is unguided.
  • Player Guided such as TOW – After launch missile is actively controlled by player.
  • Guided eg. Javelin – Target is first select by player. Missile is then launched and will home on target.
  • Missile camera is available in all modes. Player views through camera mounted on missile.
  • Control Gravity Affect on Missile
  •  Set missile Launch and Flight Speed, Flight Altitude
  •  Simple Target lock on system
  • Very efficient – tens of missiles can be launched with very little impact on FPS.
  • Each missile can have its own mesh, textures, sound files and particle systems.
  • Fully network replicated. Player sees a local version of missile for instant launch – hits determined by server.

Number of Blueprints: 8 including 22 functions

Input: Standard and User Defined

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms:Blueprint Editor

Windows: Yes

Mac: Not Tested, although should work on most operating systems.

Documentation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12kM9lmp3Em3XCYtS1IF9e_VHuUbbBk5r?usp=sharing

Important/Additional Notes:

Being a control system, only 1 missile mesh, 1 set of sound files, 1 smoke effect and one explosion effect is provided for demonstration purposes. The intention is that you will use this to control your missile meshes with your sound and particle effects.


  • Un-Guided如RPG-(火箭推进手榴弹),瞄准附近的目标和射击。 火箭没有制导。
  • 玩家引导,如拖后发射导弹是由玩家主动控制的.
  • 引导的,引导的。 标枪-目标首先由玩家选择. 导弹然后发射,并将回家的目标。
  • 导弹相机在所有模式下都可用。 玩家通过安装在导弹上的摄像头观看。
  • 控制重力对导弹的影响
  •  设置导弹发射和飞行速度,飞行高度
  •  简单的目标锁定系统
  • 非常高效-可以发射几十枚导弹,对FPS的影响很小。
  • 每个导弹都可以有自己的网格,纹理,声音文件和粒子系统。
  • 完全网络复制。 玩家看到一个本地版本的导弹即时发射-命中由服务器确定.







文件: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12kM9lmp3Em3XCYtS1IF9e_VHuUbbBk5r?usp=sharing


作为一个控制系统,仅提供1个导弹网格,1组声音文件,1个烟雾效果和一个爆炸效果用于演示目的。 这样做的目的是,你将使用它来控制你的导弹网格与你的声音和粒子效果。

A missile and rocket control system using only Blueprints. Supports all missile types. Network Replicated.

This control system makes it easy to add guided, controlled and unguided rockets and missiles to your projects.

It is self contained making integration into your project simple.

Missiles can be launched by players or stand alone static pawns.

Add missiles to your game vehicles.

Easily create new missile types by changing control variables without having to change Blueprints.

See a brief demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEvuDOaJDuE

仅使用蓝图的导弹和火箭控制系统。 支持所有导弹类型。 网络复制。






在这里看到一个简短的演示: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEvuDOaJDuE
