- Main Menu with Game, Settings and Exit Buttons
- Game Menu to decide whether to play a new game or continue
- Splash Screen
- Loading Screen
- Graphics Options
- Display Options
- Audio Options
- Gameplay Options
- Controllers panel
- Confirm Message Box
- Pause Menu
- Save and Re-load Settings
- Minimap with Player Pointer and Enemy Pointers
- Health Bar
- Stamina Bar
- This Menu System does not contain the exact design of the games that have been used as an inspiration. There could be slight changes to make the system unique.
- The Resolution settings will be Visible better with a cooked version of the project, instead of the PIE or Standalone Game.
- Clicking sound effects are from https://mixkit.co/free-sound-effects/click/
Number of Blueprints: 20
Input: (Keyboard, Mouse)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Documentation: Link
Support: jeewantha.bandara@arimaclanka.com
- 主菜单与游戏,设置和退出按钮
- 游戏菜单来决定是玩新游戏还是继续
- 启动画面
- 加载屏幕
- 图形选项
- 显示选项
- 音频选项
- 游戏选项
- 控制器面板
- 确认消息框
- 暂停菜单
- 保存并重新加载设置
- 带有玩家指针和敌人指针的小地图
- 健康酒吧
- 耐力酒吧
- 此菜单系统不包含已用作灵感的游戏的确切设计。 可能会有轻微的变化,使系统独特。
- 分辨率设置将更好地与一个煮熟的版本的项目,而不是馅饼或独立游戏可见。
- 点击音效来自https://mixkit.co/free-sound-effects/click/
文件: 连结
支援服务: jeewantha.bandara@arimaclanka.com
December 2023 Update: Advanced HUD Style 12 new features enhanced input and language options with this update
This is the ‘CodeLikeMe‘ Official marketplace account.
This contains a Menu System Design inspired by Action RPG Style along with a Splash Screen, Loading Screen, Health Bar, Stamina Bar and a Basic Minimap system with pointers for both player and enemies as well. Clicking sounds were also added.
The level Streaming method is used to load and unload the maps. The system consists of four different maps for Splash Screen, Loading Screen, Main Menu and InGame Level. Can save the game settings and reloading them whenever go back to the game. Changing and applying the settings through the pause menu while in the game is also possible here.
4 different maps
- Splash Screen
- Loading Screen
- Main Menu
- InGame Level.
2023年12月更新: 高级HUD样式12新功能增强了输入和语言选项与此更新
这包含一个菜单系统设计灵感来自动作RPG风格,以及一个启动屏幕,加载屏幕,健康栏,耐力栏和一个基本的小地图系统,为玩家和敌人的指针。 点击声音也被添加。
关卡流方法用于加载和卸载地图。 该系统由四个不同的地图初始屏幕,加载屏幕,主菜单和游戏级别。 可以保存游戏设置和重新加载他们,每当回到游戏。 在游戏中通过暂停菜单更改和应用设置也可以在这里。
- 启动画面
- 加载屏幕
- 主菜单
- 游戏级别。