Main Menu
- Creating lobby as host
- Finding game as client
- Changing players name
- Changing a level and a mode in lobby
- Dividing on teams
- Starting a match
Game Mode
- Starting match with waiting screen
- Initial spawn with match start screen
- Auto respawn and respawn by the button on respawn screen
- Increase and reverse teams scores
- Rounds feature
- All win conditions logics with using rounds
- Draw
- New round screen
- End match with screen and returning to the lobby
- Frag list
- Score even on kill
Players Spawn Systems
- Start spawn point
- Common spawn point
- Spawn point weight
- Influences for player and game mode objects
- Deep customise of all properties
- Spawn system debug tool set
Main Player HUD
- Match and round timer
- Friendly and enemy team scores widgets
- Round count
- Friendly wined round count and enemy wined round count
Team Deathmatch
- Score on kill or on respawn event of an enemy
- Team deathmatch scoreboard
- Simple multiplayer map
Simple Character
- Simple TPS Character
- Simple FPS Character
Number of Blueprints: 90+
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac
- 创建大堂作为主机
- 寻找游戏作为客户
- 更改球员姓名
- 在大厅中更改级别和模式
- 团队划分
- 开始比赛
- 与等待屏幕开始匹配
- 初始产卵与比赛开始屏幕
- 通过重生屏幕上的按钮自动重生和重生
- 增加和逆转球队得分
- 圆形功能
- 所有的胜利条件逻辑与使用回合
- 抽签,抽签
- 新圆屏
- 结束与屏幕的比赛并返回大堂
- 碎片清单
- 即使在杀人时也能得分
- 开始产卵点
- 共同产卵点
- 产卵点权重
- 玩家和游戏模式对象的影响
- 所有物业的深度定制
- Spawn系统调试工具集
- 比赛和圆形计时器
- 友敌队得分小部件
- 圆数
- 友军回合数和敌国回合数
- 对敌人的杀戮或重生事件得分
- 团队死亡竞赛记分牌
- 简单的多人游戏地图
- 简单的TPS字符
- 简单的FPS字符
- The product has all the necessary features for creating a game with the team deathmatch mode.
- It supports rounds and no rounds match system.
- There are two options for the rounds system. The first option is when there are a common match timer and common scores counts. This structure uses in Call of Duty games. The second option is when the team winner defines by wined round count. This structure uses in Geas games and others.
- Team Deathmatch Mode supports scoring from 0 to score limit and from score pull from 0. Also, scoring can be happened by killing a player or on respawn.
- The system supports all win condition cases. It has a draw state.
- Team Deathmatch Mode includes the main menu system with lobby features. It supports integration with advanced session plugin and connection by steam using the internet.
- The pack includes Influence Spawn System. Similar systems are used in many multiplayer games such as Call of Duty, Halo. Influence Spawn System available as a separate product.
- The product has in-game UI features like scoreboard, respawn screen, timer, teams score, etc.
- 该产品具有创建团队死亡竞赛模式游戏的所有必要功能。
- 它支持回合和无回合比赛系统。
- Rounds系统有两种选择。 第一种选择是当有一个共同的比赛计时器和共同的分数计数。 这种结构在使命召唤游戏中使用。 第二种选择是当球队胜利者通过赢的回合数来定义. 这种结构在Geas游戏和其他中使用。
- 团队死亡竞赛模式支持从0到分数限制和从0的分数拉. 此外,得分可以通过杀死玩家或重生来发生。
- 该系统支持所有获胜条件的情况。 具有平局状态。
- 团队死亡竞赛模式包括具有大厅功能的主菜单系统。 它支持集成高级会话插件和连接蒸汽使用互联网.
- 该包包括影响产卵系统。 类似的系统用于许多多人游戏,如使命召唤,光环。 影响产卵系统可作为一个单独的产品.
- 该产品具有游戏内UI功能,如记分牌,重生屏幕,计时器,团队得分等。