Physically-Based Rendering: No Texture Size: Backgrounds 256×256 pixels, Thumbs 128×128 pixels Collision: No Vertex Count: – LODs: – Number of Meshes: – Number of Materials and Material Instances: – Number of Textures: 40 images in .png format Engine Compatibility: 4.10 Intended Platform: Mobile Platforms Tested: Android & iOS Documentation Included: YES *Important\Additional Notes: If you’re using the extra ‘TouchToLookController’ Blueprint provided on older version of Unreal Engine (e.g. 4.9.3), do not migrate or copy-paste it. You have to ‘rewrite’ the Bluperint/nodes to avoid crashes.

基于物理的渲染:无纹理大小:背景256×256像素,拇指128×128像素碰撞:无顶点计数:-Lod:-网格数:-材质和材质实例数:-纹理数:40个图像。png格式引擎兼容性:4.10预期平台:移动平台测试:Android和iOS文档包括:是的*重要的附加说明:如果您使用的是旧版虚幻引擎(例如4.9.3)上提供的额外的”TouchToLookController”蓝图,请不要迁移或复制粘贴它。 您必须”重写”Bluperint/节点以避免崩溃。

Ready to use in mobile game projects – Virtual Joystick pack, with minimalist design. Contains 30 background images and 10 thumb images, a total of 300 possible combinations to make just the right virtual joystick that’s fit with your game design or theme. Comes with four common used virtual joystick examples setup for mobile games and an extra asset, a Player Controller Blueprint – touch and drag to look around – for the right-side screen and does not conflict with the virtual joystick. Best use for FPS and Third Person Perspective games. This pack will continue to be updated until the pack reaches 50 backgrounds images and 20 thumbs images. PNG files are included.

Important: In your Project Settings, under INPUT, you must provide the Axis Mappings and in the same page, under Mobile section, you must choose the default interface from one of the VJP_ examples to make this work as intended.

准备在手机游戏项目中使用-虚拟操纵杆包,具有极简主义设计。 包含30个背景图像和10个拇指图像,总共300个可能的组合,使正确的虚拟操纵杆适合您的游戏设计或主题。 带有四个常用的虚拟操纵杆示例,用于移动游戏和一个额外的资产,一个玩家控制器蓝图-触摸和拖动环顾四周-用于右侧屏幕,并且与虚拟操纵杆不冲突。 最佳使用FPS和第三人称视角游戏。 这个包将继续更新,直到包达到50个背景图像和20个拇指图像。 PNG文件包括在内。

