This asset provides basic functionality with examples, and it is assumed that you will be able to, if necessary, combine different examples to get desired results. Having a basic level of proficiency in blueprints is advisable.

*Maximal grid size is 4294967295 x 4294967295 cells,

starting from the center of the map, you can build anywhere within these limits.

Asset contains: 

  • 4 Main Blueprints
  • 3 Auxiliary blueprints
  • 6 Widgets
  • 28 Child Blueprint examples for buildings
  • 22 Materials and Material instances
  • 26 Textures
  • 11 Meshes
  • Overview level

Network Replication is not implemented.

此资源提供了包含示例的基本功能,并且假设您将能够(如有必要)组合不同的示例以获得所需的结果。 对蓝图有一个基本的熟练程度是明智的.




  • 4主要蓝图
  • 3辅助蓝图
  • 6小部件
  • 28建筑物的儿童蓝图示例
  • 22材质和材质实例
  • 26纹理
  • 11目
  • 概览级别


This asset allows you to build various objects that can snap to a grid, all while taking into account terrain topography, surface types, as well as other constraints.

Video | Playable Demo | Documentation | Video Update 1.1



  • Completely made in blueprints

  • Grid size is practically unlimited*

  • Customizable grid cell size

  • New objects can be created and customized using data tables

  • Ability to check elevation differences during construction

  • Ability to check whether there are any units present in the area of construction. If there are any – construction won’t be possible

  • The new Update 1.1 adds examples of the construction of complex asymmetrical walls with diagonal elements and roads

  • Contains an example building that can only be built on a specific resource

  • Contains an example building that can only be built on a certain surface with a specific texture (Grass / Stone)

  • Contains an example of a type of construction where several objects can be constructed in a line by mouse-dragging (Wall)

  • Contains an example of a “Painting” type of construction, where objects will be built continuously as long as the left mouse button is held

  • Contains an example building that can only be built within a certain radius of another building, etc.

  • Resource system: resources are spent during construction, but if there aren’t enough, construction will be blocked. Part of the spent resources can also be returned upon demolition

  • Demolition tool, which is meant for deconstruction of objects

  • Objects can be outlined when a cursor is hovered over them. By default, only 3 colors are used, one for each of the example factions — player, neutral and enemy.

  • Objects can be rotated by 90 degrees by default

  • Basic functionality for a building damage system – objects can receive damage, change their HP values, can be destroyed once their HP runs out

  • Auxiliary boundary blueprint that is used for restriction of all space available for construction. Only a single one can be built

  • Auxiliary boundary blueprint that is used for blocking construction only on certain areas of the map. More than one can be built and these are used to fine-tune available construction space if a complex shape is needed

  • Buildings can be placed not only at runtime, but also in the editor. It is also possible to attach an object to the grid in the editor as well

  • Has several styles for visual display of building construction

  • Has basic demo units that are able to to patrol an area and attack nearby buildings

Asset also has a demo UI which includes:

  • Resource panel widget with animations of gradual change in the number of available resources, and a blinking animation used to show lack of necessary for construction resources

  • Construction menu widget with building icons that, when clicked on, will activate an object to be built. Displayed number of cells in the menu can be changed.

  • Description widget, which is used to show a description for a selected buildable object 

  • HP bar widget, which is displayed above a building when hovered over or selected, it also changes color based on remaining HP


短片 | 可玩演示 | 文件 | 视频更新1.1



  • 完全用蓝图制作

  • 网格大小实际上是无限的*

  • 可自定义网格单元大小

  • 可以使用数据表创建和自定义新对象

  • 能够在施工过程中检查高程差异

  • 能够检查是否有任何单位存在于建设领域。 如果有-建设将是不可能的

  • 新的更新1.1增加了用对角线元素和道路建造复杂不对称墙壁的例子

  • 包含只能在特定资源上构建的示例构建

  • 包含一个示例建筑,该建筑只能在具有特定纹理(草/石)的特定表面上建造

  • 包含一个构造类型的示例,其中可以通过鼠标拖动(墙)在一行中构造多个对象

  • 包含一个”绘画”类型的构造示例,只要按住鼠标左键,对象就会连续构建

  • 包含只能在另一建筑物的一定半径内建造的示例建筑物等。

  • 资源系统:资源在施工过程中花费,但如果没有足够的资源,施工将被阻止。 部分已用资源亦可于拆卸时归还

  • 拆除工具,这是为了解构对象

  • 当光标悬停在对象上时,可以勾画对象。 默认情况下,只使用3种颜色,每个示例派系—玩家,中立和敌人。

  • 默认情况下,对象可以旋转90度

  • 建筑伤害系统的基本功能-对象可以受到伤害,改变他们的HP值,可以在他们的HP用完后被摧毁

  • 辅助边界蓝图,用于限制可用于施工的所有空间。 只能建造一个

  • 辅助边界蓝图,仅用于在地图的某些区域上阻挡构造。 可以建造一个以上的建筑,如果需要复杂的形状,这些建筑用于微调可用的建筑空间

  • 建筑物不仅可以放置在运行时,还可以放置在编辑器中。 也可以在编辑器中将对象附加到网格

  • 有几种风格的建筑施工视觉展示

  • 有基本的演示单位,能够巡逻一个地区和攻击附近的建筑物


  • 资源面板小部件,具有可用资源数量逐渐变化的动画,以及用于显示缺乏必要的建筑资源的闪烁动画

  • 带有建筑图标的建筑菜单小部件,当点击时,将激活一个要建造的对象。 菜单中显示的单元格数量可以更改。

  • 描述小部件,用于显示所选可构建对象的描述 

  • HP栏小部件,它显示在建筑物上方,当悬停或选择时,它也会根据剩余的HP更改颜色
