Main Features:

  • Blueprints for constructing water mesh tiles and splines.
  • Custom water material and wake/ripple particle material, with 3 material instances each.
  • 6 Wake, ripple, and splash particles of various size and LOD.
  • Easy-to-use ActorComponent designed for quick interactive particle setup. (Automatic enter/exit splashes, movement/idle wake functionality.) (Buoyant forces with physics enabled.)
  • Example ThirdPersonController/Projectile/StaticMeshActor with interactive particles setup.


  • SunPositioner day/night cycle. (Requires SunPositionCalculator plugin.)
  • BeefyDepthFog post process material with dynamic color parameters.
  • BeefyCelShader post process material with dynamic color parameters. (PP material does not support Mobile)

Number of Blueprints: 7


  • Movement: Default ThirdPerson controls
  • Shoot Projectile: RightMouseButton

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows/Mac/Console/Mobile

Documentation: Beefy WaterHole FAQ’s


  • 构建水网砖和样条的蓝图。
  • 自定义水材质和尾流/波纹粒子材质,各有3个材质实例。
  • 6各种尺寸和LOD的尾流,波纹和飞溅颗粒。
  • 易于使用的ActorComponent设计用于快速交互式粒子设置。 (自动进入/退出飞溅,移动/空闲唤醒功能。) (启用物理的浮力。)
  • 示例ThirdPersonController/弹丸/StaticMeshActor与交互式粒子设置。


  • SunPositioner日/夜周期. (需要SunPositionCalculator插件。)
  • 具有动态颜色参数的BeefyDepthFog后期处理材料。
  • 具有动态颜色参数的BeefyCelShader后处理材料. (PP材质不支持移动)

蓝图数目: 7


  • 移动:默认ThirdPerson控件
  • 射弹:右弹



文件: Beefy WaterHole常见问题解答

5.2 Update Available — Tutorial coming soon!

Video Preview: Youtube

Discord: Link

Setup Video (UE4): Youtube

Play Demo (UE4):

**Landscape, Foliage, and Stones shown are only included in the 5.2 asset!

Featuring an unlit, stylized water material with 50+ parameters for customization – Includes animated shorelines ( w/ options for Depthfade, DistanceFields, or Heightmap based techniques), vertex paint masking, wave color highlights, opacity effects, refraction, and simple wave vertex animations.

An efficient blueprint system for constructing tile-able water meshes and splines – Change water mesh, material, and default particles for enter and exit splashes (if an overlapping actor uses the BeefyInteraction component system, those particles specified in the component are used).

Easy to use BeefyInteractionComponent blueprint system designed for Player/Object particle interactions. Set custom particles to spawn while entering , exiting, wading, or idling in water – adjust particle spawn time intervals, and assigns particle color depending on water material.

Stylized Water-Line and Fog underwater post processing effects are a new addition with the 5.2 Update (Coming soon). Material instances can be changed for any water actor.

**Does not work with reflection reflections.


视频预览: Youtube的

不和谐: 连结

设置视频(UE4): Youtube的



具有一个未点燃的,程式化的水材料与50+参数定制 -包括动画海岸线(W/Depthfade,DistanceFields或基于高度图的技术的选项),顶点油漆掩蔽,波浪颜色高光,不透明度效果,折射和简单的波浪顶点动画。

一种高效的构建平铺水网格和样条的蓝图系统 -更改进入和退出飞溅的水网格、材质和默认粒子(如果重叠actor使用BeefyInteraction组件系统,则使用组件中指定的那些粒子)。

易于使用的BeefyInteractionComponent蓝图系统专为玩家/对象粒子交互而设计。 将自定义粒子设置为在水中进入、退出、涉水或空转时生成-调整粒子生成时间间隔,并根据水材质分配粒子颜色。

风格化的水线和雾水下后处理效果 是一个新的添加与5.2更新(即将推出). 可以为任何水actor更改材质实例。

