
  •  Blendshapes / Morph Targets / Facial Expressions
  •  Physics is enabled for ponytail
  • Wind simulation for hair
  • Modular
  • Epic Skeleton with additional bones
  • 3rd person character animations are included
  • Material Instances
  • Color change of any part

Rigged: (Yes)

Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes)

If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: (Yes)

Animated: (Yes)

Number of Animations: retarget

Number of characters: 1

Vertex counts of characters: 46,551

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 39

Number of Textures: 57

Texture Resolutions: 4096×4096

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)

Mac: (Yes)

Documentation: no

Important/Additional Notes: PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE NO BLUEPRINTS! Additional bones that are added to Epic Skeleton: eye_l/r, breast_l/r, tail_01-06-, skirt_front_01-05_l/r, skirt_back_01-05_l/r, skirt_side_01-05_l/r, hair_ponytail_01-07


  •  Blendshapes/变形目标/面部表情
  •  马尾辫启用物理
  • 头发风模拟
  • 模块化设计
  • 史诗骨架 有额外的骨头
  • 包括第三人称角色动画
  • 材质实例
  • 任何部分的颜色变化















重要/附加说明:请注意,没有蓝图! 添加到Epic骨架的其他骨骼:eye_l/r,breast_l/r,tail_01-06-,skirt_front_01-05_l/r,skirt_back_01-05_l/r,skirt_side_01-05_l/r,hair_ponytail_01-07

🔥 Cosmo Collection | Fox

To verify the purchase, please leave a question (or review!) on the product page containing your e-mail address. If necessary, additional source files will be sent to you. For any questions, contact me at 📧 idafaber3d@gmail.com. Expect an answer in 1-3 working days.

🌠This model is a part of the Cosmo Collection

🔗 Cosmo Cat Girl

🔗 Cosmo Fox Girl

🔗 Cosmo Bunny Girl

🔗 Cosmo Dragon Girl

🔗 Cosmo Succubus Girl

🎬 VIDEO PREVIEW: 🔗https://youtu.be/Wer-EhFU8Rk

Support me on Patreon and claim discounts: 🔗 https://www.patreon.com/idafaber

Social Links: 🔗 ArtStation | 🔗 Instagram | 🔗 YouTube | 🔗 LinkedIn 

👑 Key Features

🌟 Low-poly

🌟 Fully Rigged

🌟 Apple Blendshapes

🌟 Easy Color Change

📋 Polycount | The Character does not have LOD system

Cosmo Fox Girl

🈯️ Faces 48368 ❎ Tris 82316 ✳️ Verts 46551

⚙️ Rig

This Character rig is based on UE4 Mannequin skeleton. The main bones hierarchy is remained untouched for easy retargeting. With additional bones you can apply physics to different parts. The rig is made in Maya without plugins and does not have controls. The base pose of the rig differs from the Epic Skeleton one. That means that you might want to adjust the bone position when retargeting for a better result. Additional bones that are added to Epic Skeleton: eye_l/r, breast_l/r, tail_01-06-, skirt_front_01-05_l/r, skirt_back_01-05_l/r, skirt_side_01-05_l/r, hair_ponytail_01-07

Character’s Rig has been tested with various animations, such as:

🌟 ALSv4

🌟 3rd person standard animations

🌟 Female Interactions Animations

🌟 Mocap Library

🌟 ARLS + Horse Animset

🌟 Succubus AnimSet

🌟 Valley of the Ancient

🌟 Close Combat: Swordsman

🌟 Lyra Starter Game

😡 Blendshapes

Perfectly calibrated 52 Apple Blendshapes. Tested with Live Link Face in Unreal Engine 5.

Can be used for Live Stream facial animations, LiveLinkFace, FaceWare, Facial Mocap, VTuber Avatar, VRchat, MMD, etc.

🔥 Different Outfits and Modularity

The model is completely modular, you can remove or add any part you want. 

🔰 Please note that:

Body Texture is censored.

Clothes can be taken off completely, and full-body is included. 

Adult parts are not modeled and do not have morphs or a rig. It’s only a plain texture. 

To avoid body intersection through clothes the body is sliced into pieces.

Pieces that are hidden under the clothes must be turned off. It also reduces the polycount!

⚡️ And more!

⚔️ Material ID Maps for

🌟 Skin

🌟 Eyes

🌟 Hair

🌟 Outfit Parts

A Material ID map is used for changing the colors of a BaseMap separately. 

Use the included Material Instances to change the colors easily.

⚔️ 4K Textures

🌟 BaseColour, Normal, Roughness, Metallic, Ambient Occlusion, MatID, opacity, emissive

🌟 9 Texture sets – Body, Head, Top, Arms, Bot, Teeth, Hair, Eyes, Lashes

🌟 Textures are packed for better optimization

⚔️ Unreal Engine Project

🌟 Supported version: 4.19+

🌟 Epic Skeleton rig with additional bones

🌟 For facial animations use Morph Targets

🌟 Physics are not included. It’s advisable to use KawaiiPhysics plugin for the best-looking results

🌟 Material Instances with MatID map for color change are included

🌟 3rd person standard animations are included

🌟 Separated Meshes for Master Pose / Leader Component are included

🌟 Wind Simulation for Hair!

🌟 Blueprints are not included

• • • 🎓FAQ

Q: Need help with the model, how to contact you?

A: The best way to contact me is through e-mail 📧 idafaber3d@gmail.com. Expect an answer in 1-3 working days.

Q: Can I use this model in Blender / Cinema4D / 3dsMax / etc.?

A: Yes, you can. File formats such as .fbx can be imported anywhere. However, the rig and blendshapes are originally made in Maya and some software might not recognize them correctly. Unfortunately, I cannot give you support for this software because I do not have any experience with them. The only software that I support is Maya, Unreal Engine, and Unity.

My customers have reported to me that my models work in Blender.

Q: Are clothes from other models compatible?

A: Some are compatible, and some are not. More info 🔗here > 

Q: If I switch to another engine, do I have to re-purchase the asset?

A: No, you don't have to. You can request additional files (.fbx / .obj / textures / etc ) through e-mail 📧 idafaber3d@gmail.com. For verification purposes, I will ask you for the Invoice ID. Expect an answer in 1-3 working days. As a quick alternative, you may also leave a question (or review!) on the product page, containing your e-mail address.

Q: Can I request customization? Are you available for commissions? 

A: Unfortunately, I’m unavailable for any kind of commission.

Thank you ~

元Cosmo系列 /福克斯

要验证购买,请留下问题(或评论!)在包含您的电子邮件地址的产品页面上。 如有必要,其他源文件将发送给您。 如有任何问题,请与我联系 idafaber3d@gmail.com。期望在1-3个工作日内得到答复。

🌠这个模型是 Cosmo系列

🔗 科斯莫猫女孩

🔗 科斯莫福克斯女孩

🔗 科斯莫兔女郎

🔗 科斯莫龙女

🔗 科斯莫魅魔女孩

▪视频预览: 🔗https://youtu.be/Wer-EhFU8Rk

在Patreon上支持我 及申领折扣:🔗 https://www.patreon.com/idafaber

社会联系: 🔗 艺术站 | 🔗 Instagram | 🔗 YouTube的 | 🔗 领英 

👑 主要特点





📋 Polycount的 /角色没有LOD系统


️️Faces48368Tri Tris82316️️Verts46551

⚙️ 钻机/钻机

这个角色装备基于UE4人体模型骨架。 主要骨骼层次结构保持不变,以便于重新定位。 使用额外的骨骼,您可以将物理应用于不同的部分。 钻机是在Maya中制作的,没有插件,也没有控件。 钻机的基本姿势与史诗骨架不同. 这意味着您可能需要在重新定位时调整骨骼位置以获得更好的结果。 添加到Epic骨架的其他骨骼:eye_l/r,breast_l/r,tail_01-06-,skirt_front_01-05_l/r,skirt_back_01-05_l/r,skirt_side_01-05_l/r,hair_ponytail_01-07











😡 [医]布兰德斯

完美校准52苹果Blendshapes. 在虚幻引擎5中使用Live Link Face进行测试。




🔰 请注意:



成人部件没有建模,也没有变形或钻机。 这只是一个普通的纹理。 


隐藏在衣服下面的碎片必须关闭。 它也减少了polycount!

⚡️ 还有更多!








⚔️ 4k纹理




⚔️ 虚幻引擎项目




▪物理不包括在内。 建议使用KawaiiPhysics插件以获得最佳效果






• • • 🎓常见问题


与我联系的最好方法是通过电子邮件。 idafaber3d@gmail.com。期望在1-3个工作日内得到答复。


答:是的,你可以。 文件格式,如.fbx可以在任何地方导入。 但是,rig和blendshapes最初是在Maya中制作的,某些软件可能无法正确识别它们。 不幸的是,我不能给你这个软件的支持,因为我没有任何经验与他们。 我支持的唯一软件是Maya,虚幻引擎和Unity。



答:有些是兼容的,有些不是。 更多资料?这里> 


答:不,你不必。 您可以请求其他文件(。fbx/。obj/textures/etc)通过电子邮件 📧 idafaber3d@gmail.com。为了验证目的,我会要求您提供发票ID。 期待在1-3个工作日内得到答复。 作为一个快速的选择,你也可以留下一个问题(或审查!)在产品页面上,包含您的电子邮件地址。

问:我可以要求定制吗? 你可以收取佣金吗? 


