
  •  Provide a universal framework for executing all logic related to game effects
  •  By simply calling a unified global function, any user-defined Struct can be passed in network replication to enable any user-defined Effect to have network replication capabilities.
  • By inheriting the GBWEffectActor base class, users can fully customize their own effects without considering network replication logic.

Code Modules: (Please include a full list of each Plugin module and their module type (Runtime, Editor etc.))

  •  GBWPowerfulEffect[Runtime]
  •  GBWPowerfulTools[Runtime]
  •  GBWPowerfulEffectEditor[UncookedOnly]
  •  GBWPowerfulToolsEditor[UncookedOnly]

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 12

Network Replicated: (Yes)

Supported Development Platforms: (WIn64)

Supported Target Build Platforms: (WIn64)

Important/Additional Notes: The plugin itself only provides the basic framework. All the effects in the demonstration can be obtained in the Demo project.


  •  提供一个通用框架,用于执行与游戏效果相关的所有逻辑
  •  通过简单地调用统一的全局函数,可以在网络复制中传递任何用户定义的结构,以使任何用户定义的效果都具有网络复制功能。
  • 通过继承GBWEffectActor基类,用户可以完全自定义自己的效果,而无需考虑网络复制逻辑。


  •  GBWPowerfulEffect[运行时]
  •  GBWPowerfulTools[运行时]
  •  GBWPowerfulEffectEditor[UncookedOnly]
  •  GBWPowerfulToolsEditor[UncookedOnly]






重要/附加说明:插件本身只提供基本框架。 演示中的所有效果都可以在演示项目中获得。

This product comes from the PowerfulHit plugin. As a functional module in the PowerfulHit plugin that enhances hit sensation, it has been isolated as a standalone plugin.

Trailer Video : Youtube Vidoe Bilibili Vidoe

Try The Demo : DemoInGoogleDrive DemoIn百度网盘

Tutorial Video : Tutorial In Youtube Tutorial In Bilibili

Document : English 中文

Support : Discord Channel QQ群-691495466

Important Notes: The plugin itself only provides the basic framework. All the effects in the demonstration can be obtained in the Demo project.

Get the demo project created based on this plugin, so you can immediately have all the effects of displaying videos!

(Note that this DemoProject needs to be purchased separately)

(From Patreon) (From爱发电)

My other assets in the market :


This plugin aims to provide a universal framework for executing all logic related to game effects.

This framework does not require users to care about any network replication related logic. There is even no need for users to manually add any plugins. By simply calling a unified global function, any user-defined Struct can be passed in network replication to enable any user-defined Effect to have network replication capabilities.

Fully implemented using C++. Can be used in both C++and Blueprint.

In the provided Demo project, a series of Effects were implemented based on this plugin to enhance combat hit sensation.


  • Attack Swing Trail 
  • Sound
  • Niagara
  • Blood – Generate the effect of blood splashing. And blood stains will form on any surface it splashes onto.
  • Body Shake, supports bone shake
  • Body Flash
  • Freeze Frame
  • Camera Shake
  • Camera Lens Blur
  • Set Spring Arm
  • PostureAdjust – Dynamically adjust the attack posture according to the height and position of the target!
  • And a comprehensive effect called Hit, which can be used to quickly specify the effects for combat hits.

本产品来自PowerfulHit插件。 作为PowerfulHit插件中增强命中感觉的功能模块,它已被隔离为独立插件。

预告片视频 : Youtube的Vidoe 比利比利*维多

试试演示 : [医]脱模/脱模 德莫因?普瑞斯?

教程视频 : Youtube教程 Bilibili教程

文件 : 英语 中文

支援服务 : 不和谐频道 QQ群-691495466

重要提示:插件本身只提供基本框架。 演示中的所有效果都可以在演示项目中获得。

获取 示范项目 基于此插件创建,因此您可以立即拥有显示视频的所有效果!


(从Patreon) ()

我在市场上的其他资产 :



此框架不要求用户关心任何网络复制相关逻辑。 用户甚至不需要手动添加任何插件。 通过简单地调用统一的全局函数,可以在网络复制中传递任何用户定义的结构,以使任何用户定义的效果都具有网络复制功能。

完全使用C++实现。 可在C++和Blueprint中使用。



  • 攻击挥杆径 
  • 声音
  • 尼亚加拉
  • 血液-产生血液飞溅的效果。 血迹会在它溅到的任何表面上形成。
  • 身体震动,支持骨骼震动
  • 身体闪光
  • 冻结框架
  • 相机抖动
  • 相机镜头模糊
  • 设置弹簧臂
  • PostureAdjust-根据目标的高度和位置动态调整攻击姿势!
  • 和一个名为Hit的综合效果,可用于快速指定战斗命中的效果。