Plugin Contains:
- 1 С++ Class
- 23 Main Blueprint Examples
- 3 Main Materials
- 56 Material Instances and Material Functions
- 30 Simple pattern textures
- 4 Meshes
Code Modules:
- SimplePathTracer [Runtime]
Example Project Contains 3 demo levels with:
- Examples of how the included functions could be used
- Many pre-made examples of blueprint paths, borders and arrows
- Examples of how the included materials could be used to visualize various paths
- An example level of how this asset could be used to visualize the movement path of a single character and a separate example level of how it could be used to visualize the path of a whole group of characters
Network Replication Is not implemented
Supported Development Platforms: Any
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64 (Not tested on other platforms)
- 1С++类
- 23主要蓝图示例
- 3主要材料
- 56材质实例和材质函数
- 30个简单的图案纹理
- 4目
- SimplePathTracer[运行时]
- 如何使用包含的函数的示例
- 许多预先制作的蓝图路径、边框和箭头示例
- 如何使用包含的材料来可视化各种路径的示例
- 如何使用此资源可视化单个角色的移动路径的示例级别,以及如何使用此资源可视化整个角色组的路径的单独示例级别
支持的开发平台: 任何
支持的目标构建平台: Win64(未在其他平台测试)
This C++ Plugin is a collection of functions and blueprints for drawing paths, borders and arrows in editor and at runtime, with lots of settings.
By combining together different functions and pre-made examples from this plugin, you can create your own tools for drawing paths or borders.
Video | Playable Demo | Documentation | Example Project
Example Project will help you learn how to use this plugin effectively.
You can find more information about functions and blueprint examples, and more detailed descriptions of them, in the Documentation.
High performance
Contains more than 30 functions that you can use in Blueprints to create and edit paths
Can be edited and generated at Runtime, in the Editor and in the Sequencer
Extensive customization options like: corner rounding, color, translucency, thickness, UV scaling and offset, looping, visibility through objects, dashed line effects, border expansion and contraction, ability to limit paths by distance, etc.
Contains basic examples of in-game movement of single characters and groups using the paths
Main path parameters can be edited at Runtime or in the Sequencer
Has customizable visibility effects for parts of paths that are obstructed by objects
Paths can be baked into a single static mesh
Materials can have Moving, Rotating and Scaling animations.
Both the Blueprints and the C++ code contain comments
Source code is also included along with the plugin
You can check out a similar asset that i’ve made: Path Tracer Toolkit
This Table shows how these assets differ from each other.
短片 | 可玩演示 | 文件 | 示例项目
示例项目 将帮助您学习如何有效地使用这个插件。
有关函数和蓝图示例的更多信息,以及它们的更详细描述,请访问 文件.
你可以看看我做的类似资产: 路径跟踪工具包
这 表 显示这些资产之间的差异。