12 Blueprints, 66 materials & instances, 71 meshes, 4 particles, 2 skeletal meshes, 105 textures (2 placeholders).

Included Blueprints are tools to replicate meshes and to add some adjustments for example:

with carcasses-BP you can choose amount of carcasses, set random rotation seed and choose between static and skeletal meshes to be used (Enable “sub-stepping” in project settings and lower “Max substep DeltaTime” to remove skeletal mesh jittering). With pipes-BP can use spline to drag out the pipes, choose the mesh from 5 meshes, add start and end c-pipe, rotate c-pipes and choose from 3 materials. Bird BP-includes target point search for the bird mesh. Particles include 2 versions of haze (modified material for interior and exterior lighting) water drip, and snowfall. Texture sizes from 1024 to 4096, mainly diffuse, normal map and mask textures.

Collision: Yes, automatically generated

Average tris count: 3000 tris count from lowest (foliage twigs) 50 to highest (birch LOD0) 17700

Meshes have 1-4 Lods

Number of Meshes: 71

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 66

Number of Textures: 105 (2 placeholders)

Supported Development Platforms:built and tested in windows

Supported Platforms: desktop

Notes: Enable “sub-stepping” in project settings and lower “Max substep DeltaTime” to remove skeletal mesh jittering



使用carcasses-BP,您可以选择carcasses的数量,设置随机旋转种子,并在要使用的静态网格和骨架网格之间进行选择(启用”子步进“在项目设置和更低”最大substep DeltaTime“去除骨骼网格抖动)。 使用管道-BP可以使用样条拖出管道,从5个网格中选择网格,添加开始和结束c-管道,旋转c-管道并从3种材料中选择。 Bird BP-包括bird网格的目标点搜索。 颗粒包括2个版本的阴霾(用于内部和外部照明的改性材料)滴水和降雪。 纹理大小从1024到4096,主要是漫反射,法线贴图和蒙版纹理。









注意:启用”子步进“在项目设置和更低”最大substep DeltaTime“去除骨骼网格抖动

Video preview

blueprints overview

Playlist of all my assets HERE

My other assets page HERE

Slaughterhouse environment includes, pig carcasses both static (2) and rigged (2) with physics assets ready to take the hit. Also included: modular building blocks with both interior and exterior, props wrapped in Blueprints as pipe and wire-splines with a bunch of variation possibilities. Scraps include wood planks, and pallets. Also suitable table, bench, sink, radiators, and gutters

Outside world is build from frozen birch tree(s) and from a small twig-type foliage with spline road, spline fence, spline icicles and landscape and an ice material. Last but no means least a haze and snowfall particle systems are included to finish the job.



我所有资产的播放列表 这里

我的其他资产页面 这里

屠宰场环境包括,猪尸体静态(2)和操纵(2)与物理资产准备采取打击。 还包括:内部和外部的模块化积木,道具包裹在蓝图作为管道和线样条与一堆变化的可能性。 废料包括木板和托盘. 也适用于桌子,长凳,水槽,散热器和水槽

外面的世界是建立从冷冻桦树(s)和一个小树枝型树叶与花键路,花键围栏,花键冰柱和景观和冰材料。 最后但绝不是最不重要的一个阴霾和降雪粒子系统包括完成这项工作。
