The Battlegrounds Score – Session Alpha was produced as a collection of aggressive and rhythmic tracks that game creators and film makers can use to create intense feelings of battle, sacrifice and ominous marches to glory. All tracks are fully looping.
战场得分会话阿尔法是作为一个侵略性和有节奏的轨道的集合,游戏创造者和电影制片人可以用它来创造激烈的战斗,牺牲和不祥的游行荣耀的感觉。 所有曲目都完全循环。
• Number of Audio tracks: 5
• Number of Audio Cues: 5
• Sample rate \ bit rate: 1411kbps, 16bit Stereo WAVs
• Does music\audio loop: YES
• How many sound FX: 0
• How many minutes of audio provided: 11 minutes 17 seconds
• Engine Compatibility: 4.12
• Intended Platforms: Windows
• Platforms Tested: Windows , iOS, Android, HTML5
• Documentation Included: No
The Battlegrounds Score – Session Alpha was produced as a collection of aggressive and rhythmic tracks that game creators and film makers can use to create intense feelings of battle, sacrifice and ominous marches to glory. All tracks are fully looping.
All Tracks:
1. Over the Mountain
2. Ceremonial Blood
3. March to Glory
4. Run White Rabbit
5. Another Final Sunset
战场得分会话阿尔法是作为一个侵略性和有节奏的轨道集合,游戏创造者和电影制片人可以用它来创造激烈的战斗,牺牲和不祥的游行荣耀的感觉。 所有曲目都完全循环。
1. 翻山越岭
2. 仪式血
3. 走向辉煌
4. 跑白兔
5. 另一个最后的日落