Spline Tutorial Video


  • High quality game asset
  • Real World Scale Measurements
  • 4K textures
  • Textures created by 3d and traditional artists
  • Every asset have a unique personal touch to the prop design
  • Carefully selected bright colors for the best composition


Number of Unique Meshes: 27

Collision: Yes, Complex as simple collisions for complex meshes

Vertex Count: 22916

LODs: No

Number of Materials and Material Instances: One Base Material, 19 Material Instances

Number of Textures: 70

Texture Resolutions: Three 2048 textures for default parameters, 67 texture maps 4096 resolution.

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

PS4: Yes

Xbox: Yes

Important/Additional Notes: Blueprint for spline meshes are included in Demo_Level scene, this spline is just for demonstration, but you can use this if you like it.



  • 高品质的游戏资产
  • 真实世界尺度测量
  • 4k纹理
  • 由3d和传统艺术家创建的纹理
  • 每个资产都有一个独特的个人风格的道具设计
  • 精心挑选明亮的颜色,以获得最佳的构图


唯一网格数: 27

碰撞: 是的,复杂的像复杂网格的简单碰撞一样复杂

顶点计数: 22916

Lod: 非也。

材质和材质实例数: 一种基材, 19 材质实例

纹理数量: 70

纹理分辨率: 默认参数的三个2048纹理, 67 纹理贴图4096分辨率。






重要/附加注意事项: 样条网格的蓝图包含在Demo_Level场景中,这个样条只是为了演示,但是如果你喜欢它,你可以使用它。

This is a modular sci-fi highway with a Crossroad , Turn , Streetlight and Billboard. This can be used for the spline construction . Here are 14 materials for road and it’s parts, 3 materials for the Lamp and 2 materials for the Billboard. Texel Density for the road is 12.3 for 4K maps. 

这是一个模块化的科幻高速公路,有十字路口,转弯,路灯和广告牌。 这可以用于样条结构。 这里有14种材料的道路和它的零件,3种材料的灯和2种材料的广告牌。 对于4k地图,道路的Texel密度为12.3。 
