
  •  4 high quality 3D models
  •  Modular materials

Texture Sizes:

  •  Shields: 2048 px
  •  Detail texture: 1024 px

Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes

Collision: Yes, automatically generated

Vertex Count: 2 262, 7 397, 2 838, 2922. An average of 3 596

LODs: 4 LODs

Number of Meshes: 4

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 2 Master Materials, 16 Material Instances, 2 Material Functions

Number of Textures: 17

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac, Console, Mobile, VR

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Mac, Console, Mobile, VR

Documentation: No

Important/Additional Notes: If you wish to know about how the shields are made, don’t hesitate to contact me and I will help you in any way I can.


  •  4高品质3D模型
  •  模块化材料


  •  护盾:2048px
  •  细节纹理:1024px



顶点计数: 2 262, 7 397, 2 838, 2922. 平均3 596









You have your awesome character, perhaps a medieval knight or a hero inside a fantasy theme. You are ready to go but then you notice you need some shields, because you don’t want your hero to die, right?

Shields are great, and when they are appealing they give your character a whole new look. It will look sexy and badass, it will look impenetrable and untouchable but most importantly, they will give your hero something to defend himself.

These shields are made just for that. They will give you the look you are looking for and let you finish that awesome block mechanic you have been thinking on implementing for some time ago. But most importantly, it will save you time, lots of time.

This pack contains 4 high quality shields that can fit into fantasy style games. They come with collisions, LODs and fully modular materials to create infinite variations. Made just enough variations to have your needs covered. You have the round shield, the long shield, curvy shield and a hero shield.

你有你真棒性格,也许是一个中世纪的骑士或一个幻想主题内的英雄。 你已经准备好了,但你注意到你需要一些盾牌,因为你不想让你的英雄死,对吧?

盾牌很棒,当它们吸引人的时候,它们会给你的角色一个全新的外观。 它会看起来性感和坏蛋,它会看起来坚不可摧,不可触摸,但最重要的是,他们会给你的英雄一些东西来为自己辩护。

这些护盾就是为了这个。 他们会给你你正在寻找的外观,让你完成你一直在考虑实施一段时间前的真棒块机械师。 但最重要的是,它会节省你的时间,大量的时间。

这个包包含4个高品质的盾牌,可以适应幻想风格的游戏。 它们带有碰撞,Lod和完全模块化的材料,以创造无限的变化。 做了足够的变化来满足你的需要。 你有圆盾,长盾,曲线盾和英雄盾.
