
  • Noise and camera artifacts

  • VHS-like effect (RGB channels offset)

  • Fisheye effect

  • Camera moves along with character animations

  • Movement interpolation/stabilization

  • Advanced motion-blur

  • Reduced dynamic range to mimic cheap cameras

Number of Blueprints: 1Number of Material/Instances: 4

Documentation Link: https://youtu.be/o25MQzFnTDU?si=SM3Bg72Bz1j-Hhfv&t=102


  • 噪声和相机伪影

  • 类似VHS的效果(RGB通道偏移)

  • 鱼眼效果

  • 相机与角色动画一起移动

  • 运动插值/稳定

  • 高级运动模糊

  • 降低动态范围以模仿廉价相机


文档链接: https://youtu.be/o25MQzFnTDU?si=SM3Bg72Bz1j-Hhfv&t=102

Quickly add bodycam effect to your game!Video demo and tutorial: https://youtu.be/o25MQzFnTDU

SUPER easy installation:

Drag-and-drop bodycam component on any of your character to add bodycam functionality:Super easy setup.Easy customization via exposed component variables:

  • Noise and camera artifacts

  • VHS-like effect (RGB channels offset)

  • Fisheye effect

  • Camera moves along with character animations

  • Movement interpolation/stabilization

  • Advanced motion-blur

  • Reduced dynamic range to mimic cheap cameras

Please add a review if you like this product! :)

Support Discord server: https://discord.gg/sutAa5vZ3aREADME:How to install

  1. Go to AdvancedBodyCam\

  2. Drag and Drop BPC_BodyCamComponent onto your skeletal mesh inside your character blueprint

  3. Choose socket that you want (usually spine3/spine4 or spine5 work fine

  4. Rotate and position camera to your taste (e.g. on character chest)

  5. Run the game, component would setup everything automatically

    See “Advanced Body Cam” exposed variables on the component to tweak the look and individual effectsNote: Environment is NOT included, you can find it here: https://www.fab.com/listings/f55d1547-8df0-48ab-9a9c-e2054d4217fe

快速添加bodycam效果到您的游戏!视频演示和教程: https://youtu.be/o25MQzFnTDU



  • 噪声和相机伪影

  • 类似VHS的效果(RGB通道偏移)

  • 鱼眼效果

  • 相机与角色动画一起移动

  • 运动插值/稳定

  • 高级运动模糊

  • 降低动态范围以模仿廉价相机

请添加评论,如果你喜欢这个产品! :)

支持Discord服务器: https://discord.gg/sutAa5vZ3a自述:如何安装

  1. 前往AdvancedBodyCam\

  2. 将BPC_BodyCamComponent拖放到角色蓝图中的骨架网格体上

  3. 选择你想要的套接字(通常spine3/spine4或spine5工作正常

  4. 根据您的喜好旋转和定位相机(例如在角色胸部)

  5. 运行游戏,组件将自动设置所有内容

    请参阅组件上的”高级身体凸轮”暴露变量来调整外观和单个效果注:环境不包括在内,你可以在这里找到它: https://www.fab.com/listings/f55d1547-8df0-48ab-9a9c-e2054d4217fe
