
  • Runtime parsing of Data Tables
  • Automatic update of FStructs or UObjects
  • Connectivity with Google Sheets – edit values on the fly, no need to reimport CSVs manually at design time
  • Export CSV from game data to a local file on disk

Code Modules:

  • Runtime Data Table: A runtime module that handles the download, parsing and struct/object updates

Number of Blueprints: 26

C++ Classes: 3

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Win64, Mac

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win32, Win64, Android, Mac, iOS (+tvOS for versions 4.25 and 4.26, no longer supported in 4.27 due to Google Sheets Export)

English Language Manual

中文版 (Chinese, simplified version)

Discussion (changelog also found here)

Sample Projects


Video: What Is Runtime Data Table


  • 数据表的运行时解析
  • 自动更新Fstruct或Uobject
  • 与Google表格的连接-即时编辑值,无需在设计时手动重新导入Csv
  • 将csv从游戏数据导出到磁盘上的本地文件


  • 运行时数据表:处理下载、解析和结构/对象更新的运行时模块








讨论情况 (changelog也在这里找到)



短片: 什么是运行时数据表

This plugin includes easyCSV in full.

Which plugin is right for me? Compare easyCSV, Runtime DataTable and GSheets Operator.

See this post for Changelog and Upgrade fixes.

Runtime DataTable or “RDT” is a plugin for Unreal Engine that loads a Comma-Separated Values or CSV document at runtime with an FStruct or UObject’s variables in text form and fills an array of that type with the appropriate values, converting text into the appropriate type.

RDT can be likened to the Data Table system built into UE4, but while that system works only at design time, this plugin is designed to work while the game is running.

The system works by downloading a public or private (with authorization) Google Sheet or loading a CSV from disk and attempts to update an array of FStruct or UObject with values loaded and converted from the CSV. After the attempt is made, the plugin will call a function defined by the user to signal that the plugin has finished its duties.

As of 4.27.4, the plugin also supports local and Google Sheets CSV export, sort of the reverse of the above. It can take an array of FStructs or UObjects, get their members and output a CSV using the live data from your game or application while it’s running.

这个插件包括 [医]easyCSV 全额。

哪个插件适合我? 比较easyCSV,运行时DataTable和GSheets运算符。

这篇文章 对于Changelog和升级修复。


RDT可以比作 数据表 系统内置于UE4中,但虽然该系统仅在设计时工作,但该插件旨在在游戏运行时工作。

该系统的工作原理是下载一个 公共或私人(经授权)Google表格 或者从磁盘加载CSV,并尝试使用从CSV加载和转换的值更新FStruct或UObject数组。 尝试完成后,插件将调用用户定义的函数,以表明插件已完成其职责。

截至4.27.4,该插件还支持本地和Google表格CSV导出, 与上述情况相反。 它可以采用Fstruct或Uobject数组,获取其成员并在游戏或应用程序运行时使用实时数据输出CSV。
