The Blueprint-built system enables you to realistically place trash in your environment with the help of physics. This system utilizes UE4’s Simulate capability and Physics to allows realtime placement. Any staticmesh can be used in the setup as long as they have collision. Placed trash can then be baked into InstancedMesh with much lower performance costs.The screenshots show 375 instances of trash mesh (totalling 17 types shown).Both Dynamic/Static lighting is supported.A collection of high quality PBR-adjusted assets is provided together with the atlas texture allowing you to construct more trash.A set of 20 high-quality asset trash with PBR-adjusted atlas texture has also been included.Usage Instruction:1. Place ObjectPlacer Blueprint . Setup , the data in ObjectSetup2. Start Simulate Game3. Move SpawnPoint widget to place you intend to spawn object.4. Activate Spawning using Blutility ( DO NOT Stop Simulate until told so )5. When done spawning . use Blutility to activate BAKE TRASH6. Trash will disappear , this is normal, go to Baked Mesh Data ( right click , Copy )7. Now , STOP SIMULATE. Then paste the BakeMeshData into itself ( same property)8. Trash will re-appear after pasting as InstancedMesh.

蓝图构建的系统使您能够在物理的帮助下真实地将垃圾放置在您的环境中。 该系统利用UE4的模拟功能和物理场来实现实时放置。 任何staticmesh都可以在设置中使用,只要它们具有碰撞。 然后,放置的垃圾可以以更低的性能成本烘焙到InstancedMesh中。屏幕截图显示了375个垃圾网格实例(总共显示了17种)。支持动态/静态照明。一个高质量的PBR调整资产的集合与阿特拉斯纹理一起提供,允许您构建更多的垃圾。一组20个高质量的资产垃圾与PBR调整阿特拉斯纹理也被包括.使用说明:1. 放置ObjectPlacer蓝图。 设置,ObjectSetup2中的数据。 开始模拟Game3。 移动SpawnPoint小部件以放置您打算生成的对象。4. 使用Blutility激活产卵(在被告知之前不要停止模拟)5。 产卵完成后。 使用Blutility激活BAKE TRASH6。 垃圾将消失,这是正常的,转到烘焙网格数据(右键单击,复制)7。 现在,停止模拟。 然后将BakeMeshData粘贴到本身(相同的属性)8。 Trash将在粘贴为InstancedMesh后重新出现。

Preview: Trash Placer is a Blueprint/Asset Combo pack. Surround yourself with useless trash with our new Blueprint system. Sprinkle your game with rusted, broken, and torn goodness of urban wastage.A special virtual gift of garbage hamper (as seen in screenshots) is provided with each purchase. There is no better way to celebrate your first world problems by extending them to your virtual worlds.Make Christmas come early this year with overflowing joy of trash-filled gifts for your game developers.FREE Updates Included since launchUpdate 3 Changes (watch the Video):With this new major update. We are adding more assets, and new texture sets as FREE UPDATE. – You can now delete / move instance realtime during spawning process. – On the fly spawning is now working again. – New Mesh Pack ( added trash )Update 2 Changes : – Added TrashCompress feature feature – you can now enable / disable collision for objects appropriately.

预览:程序垃圾放置器是一个蓝图/资产组合包。 用我们的新蓝图系统把你自己包围在无用的垃圾中. 撒上你的游戏生锈,破碎和撕裂的善良的城市浪费。每次购买时都会提供一个特殊的垃圾篮虚拟礼物(如截图所示)。 没有更好的方式来庆祝你的第一个世界的问题,将它们扩展到你的虚拟世界。让圣诞节在今年早些时候到来,为你的游戏开发者提供满是垃圾的礼物。自launchUpdate3更改以来包含的免费更新(观看 短片):有了这个新的重大更新。 我们正在添加更多的资源和新的纹理集作为免费更新. -您现在可以在生成过程中实时删除/移动实例。 -在苍蝇产卵现在再次工作。 -新网格包(添加垃圾)更新2更改:-添加TrashCompress功能-您现在可以适当地启用/禁用对象的碰撞。
