
  •  Sign In Screen (with changable password)
  •  Windows can be dragged and closed as expected.
  •  Included programs: console, calculator, view pictures (and set as background) and videos, listen to music, text editor. But you can add as many others as you like.

Number of Blueprints: 14

Input: Mouse & Keyboard

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Desktop

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows

Documentation: Commented out blueprints, guide from description.

Notes: Video files are not present in the asset. Due to some features of the engine, not the file itself is saved as a file, but a link to it. How to add your video is described in the guide. In fact, you just need to drag your video into the content browser and use it as a parameter. Asset will do the rest.

Support and discuss: Discord

Versions of UE4 below those indicated – will not be added. Later versions will be added.


  •  登录屏幕(可更改密码)
  •  窗口可以按预期拖动和关闭。
  •  包括的节目: 控制台,计算器,查看图片(并设置为背景)和视频,听音乐,文本编辑器。 但你可以添加许多其他你喜欢的。

蓝图数目: 14



支持的开发平台: 桌面版


文件: 注释了蓝图,从描述指南。

注意事项: 资源中不存在视频文件。 由于引擎的某些功能,不是文件本身保存为文件,而是指向它的链接。 如何添加您的视频在指南中描述。 实际上,您只需将视频拖入内容浏览器并将其用作参数即可。 资产将完成剩下的工作。

支持和讨论: 不和谐

低于指定版本的UE4-将不会被添加。 更高版本将被添加。

Simple simulation of the operating system through widgets.

Add your programs, or use an existing one (console, calculator, view pictures and videos, listen to music, text editor).

Asset does not require complex installation (full plug-and-play), but a guide is provided for customizing it.

| Youtube link

| Guilde

This product can be used, for example, to create detective games, various PC simulators, and so on. All this requires some refinement for yourself. Most of the customization is described in the guide.

Video files are not present in the asset. See the note at the end of the description.

Also, if necessary, you can contact me, I will try to solve your problem.




| Youtube链接

| 吉尔德

该产品可用于,例如,创建侦探游戏,各种PC模拟器,等等。 这一切都需要为自己一些细化。 指南中描述了大部分定制。

资源中不存在视频文件。 请参阅说明末尾的说明。

