
  •  Swing and climb on ropes
  •  120 bone rope
  •  120 bone chain
  • Sub-stepping on

Number of Blueprints: 4

Materials: 3 basic

Input: Gamepad, Keyboard

Network Replicated: Not tested

Supported Development Platform: PC, may work on others but not tested

Windows: Yes

Mac: Not tested

ATTENTION: Make sure you open both the rope and chain blueprints, there are “cast to” nodes you’ll need to change so they cast to your character. This asset uses physics so keep that in mind as it will entail all the upsides and downsides of working with physics, but works like it does in the video out of the box.


  •  在绳索上摇摆和攀爬
  •  120骨绳
  •  120骨链
  • 子踩








注意:确保你同时打开绳索和链条蓝图,有”施放到”节点,你需要改变,以便他们施放到你的角色。 此资源使用物理,因此请记住这一点,因为它将包含使用物理的所有优点和缺点,但工作方式与开箱即用的视频一样。


Rope Swing & Climb is a physics based rope swinging and climbing system. It includes both a rope and chain with 120 bones that use physics. You can also climb up/down while swinging. Physics in UE4 are framerate dependent, so sub-stepping is turned on and left on default settings to keep things “stable” across multiple framerates. Higher framerates are smoother. If you use only framerates higher than 100-110, you can turn off sub-stepping to save performance. This is a starting point to build on or learn from and can be modified to match your own style or needs. The included animations are only examples and are not perfect.

Example video: http://jbgameworks.com/index.php/ropeswingclimb/

The default settings are only meant to be a starting point that is stable across most fps. The settings can be dialed in to be faster and smoother based on your needs. For example, at 60fps, reduce linear dampening to default on the physics bodies and increase force added over time to 15, then set max force to 3000. Just those quick adjustments look and feel better. You could add nodes that change max force, etc. based on fps. You must find the balance between speed/stability/aesthetics that works best for you.

Here is a short video of what it looks like with those quick changes at 60 fps. It can definitely be improved further, as this was only a few minutes of testing. But he is swinging faster with less of a “swing in jelly” feel to it at 60 fps. You just have to dial it in to suit your preference.

Make sure you open both the rope and chain blueprints, there are “cast to” nodes you’ll need to change so they cast to your character.


绳索摆动和攀登是一个基于物理的绳索摆动和攀登系统. 它包括一条绳子和一条链子,上面有120个使用物理的骨头. 您也可以在摆动时向上/向下爬。 UE4中的物理场依赖于帧速率,因此子步进被打开并保留在默认设置上,以在多个帧速率下保持”稳定”。 更高的帧速率更平滑。 如果仅使用高于100-110的帧速率,则可以关闭子步进以节省性能。 这是一个建立或学习的起点,可以修改以匹配您自己的风格或需要。 包含的动画只是示例,并不完美。


默认设置只是一个在大多数fps中稳定的起点。 设置可以根据您的需要拨入更快更流畅。 例如,在60fps时,将物理形体上的线性阻尼降低为默认值,并将随时间添加的力增加到15,然后将最大力设置为3000。 只是那些快速的调整看起来和感觉更好。 您可以添加更改最大力的节点等。 基于fps。 你必须找到最适合你的速度/稳定性/美学之间的平衡。

这是一个简短的视频,它看起来像那些快速变化在60fps。 它肯定可以进一步改进,因为这只是几分钟的测试。 但是他的摆动速度更快,而且在60fps的情况下,”果冻摇摆”的感觉更少。 你只需要拨打它,以满足您的喜好。

请确保您同时打开绳索和链条蓝图,您需要更改”cast to”节点,以便它们投射到您的角色。
