• 10 Blueprints (6 BPs and 4 UMG widgets) and one example map to show how setup works, just click Play to try out a game.
• Card deck with 52 cards generated and ready to use. Project is in great shape to start working on your own card games right out of the box.
• Cribbage is just an example of the multitude of games possible with this setup.
• Cribbage rule set. See Rules of Cribbage on Wikipedia if you’re unfamiliar.
• Players take turn to discard 2 cards to the Crib
• Once crib is full, Turn card is cut.
• Play proceeds according to rules until all cards are played.
• Basic AI to play against. This is provided as is and is simply here to show the basics of how to do it, but not intended for shipping.
• Debug functionality
• iOS support. Users will need to set up their own provisioning to get this working. See this post for help in doing so.

Intended Platform: Desktop for learning purposes. iOS was tested on iPad mini Retina and iPhone 6s Plus.
Important/Additional Notes: A list of Card IDs and values as well as an overall explanation of the project can be downloaded here.

*生成并准备使用的52张卡片的卡片组。 项目是在伟大的形状开始工作在自己的纸牌游戏的权利开箱。
*Cribbage规则集。 见 Cribbage规则 在维基百科上,如果你不熟悉。
*基本的AI对战。 这是按原样提供的,只是在这里展示如何做到这一点的基础知识,但不是用于运输。
*iOS支持。 用户将需要设置自己的供应才能使其工作。 见 这篇文章 寻求帮助。

预期平台:用于学习目的的桌面。 iOS在iPad mini Retina和iPhone6s Plus上进行了测试。
重要/附加说明:可下载卡片Id和值的列表以及项目的整体说明 这里.

Video: youtu.be/z-pyyn9ZBkc

This is a Blueprint only project intended to give new users an idea how to create more complex systems within Unreal Engine 4. I’m by no means an expert and have only a small amount of experience using scripting languages. However, Blueprints are such a robust and easily understandable way of building functionality that I’ve been able to learn to do some fairly complex stuff. This project is intended to help others in similar situations do the same.

The cards and logic used to create the deck are taken from the Blackjack sample project provided by Epic. I’ve extended this functionality to work with the Cribbage rule-set.

短片: youtu.be/z-pyyn9ZBkc

这是一个仅限蓝图的项目,旨在让新用户了解如何在虚幻引擎4中创建更复杂的系统。 我绝不是专家,只有少量使用脚本语言的经验。 然而,蓝图是一种强大且易于理解的构建功能的方式,我已经学会了做一些相当复杂的事情。 这个项目的目的是帮助其他人在类似的情况下做同样的事情。

用于创建套牌的卡片和逻辑取自Epic提供的21点示例项目。 我已经扩展了这个功能来使用Cribbage规则集。
