Number of Blueprints: 1
Input: Keyboard for Test Level; easy to set up for other Controllers
Network Replicated: No (If people find it necessary, I could try Custom Events)
Supported Development Platforms: All
Windows: Yes
Mac: (not tested)
Documentation: Please open and play the Slide Show Test Level
Important/Additional Notes:
- Don’t forget to set up new Inputs in your own World
- You will need a working Player Character to use the button commands and the camera
- Input gets enabled on overlap and disabled on end, Disable Input On Leave can be unchecked
- Since the Screen mesh is being animated in the BP, please use Offset attributes to change its position, Transform will not work with this Component
- Screen mesh aspect ratio must match Slide texture aspect ratio (f.i.: mesh: 160×90 units – texture: 1920×1080 px)
蓝图数目: 1
输入: 用于测试级别的键盘;易于为其他控制器设置
网络复制: 非也。 (如果人们发现有必要,我可以尝试自定义事件)
支持的开发平台: 全部
窗户: 是的
Mac电脑: (未测试)
文件: 请打开并播放幻灯片放映测试级别
- 不要忘记在自己的世界中设置新的输入
- 您将需要一个工作的玩家角色来使用按钮命令和相机
- 输入在重叠时启用并在结束时禁用,在离开时禁用输入可以取消选中
- 由于屏幕网格正在BP中动画,请使用偏移属性来更改其位置,Transform将不适用于此组件
- 屏幕网格长宽比必须匹配幻灯片纹理长宽比(f.i.:网格:160×90单位-纹理:1920x1080px)
Place this Blueprint in your world and import your images as Textures. You’ll find all the public attributes in the Actor Details – minor knowledge required for setup.
(I’m thinking about excluding the Demo level from the Store Asset, so you have a more lightweight BP to add to your projects – please let me know, if you prefer it that way and I will do that asap!)
- Single Blueprint with Texture Array for your slides
- Automatic Slide Show option, basic timings, infinite page cycle or with end
- Cover page for presentations (excluded from page cycle)
- Keep active page when leaving Slide Show, or reset to custom page
- multiple Screen aspect ratios, 20 Screen meshes included (ref. Adobe XD artboard templates)
- extra Screen Camera for full focus, switch with key command or on overlap
- BP Instances can be fully modified (Transform)
- blender file with Screen meshes (look up UE export for blender)
- Photoshop file with TestSlide textures
将此蓝图放置在您的世界中,并将图像导入为纹理。 您将在Actor详细信息中找到所有公共属性-设置所需的小知识。
- 为您的幻灯片提供具有纹理数组的单个蓝图
- 自动幻灯片放映选项,基本时间,无限页循环或结束
- 演示文稿的封面(不包括在页面循环中)
- 离开幻灯片放映时保持活动页面,或重置为自定义页面
- 多种屏幕宽高比,包括20个屏幕网格 (参考。 Adobe XD画板模板)
- 额外的屏幕摄像头全聚焦,切换与键命令或重叠
- BP实例可以完全修改(转换)
- 搅拌机文件 带屏幕网格 (查找ue export for blender)
- Photoshop文件 带有TestSlide纹理