
  • 25 girls avatar Textures
  • 4 boys avatar Textures
  • 2 different types of Textures: Bust and half body
  • Highly customizable Card Materials to use them with the avatars

Number of Materials: 2 Master Materials, 87 Material Instances

Number of Textures: 89

Supported Development Platforms: Android, Gear VR, HTML5, iOS, Linux, MacOS, Oculus, PlayStation 4, Steam VR, Windows 32-bit, Windows 64-bit, Xbox One

Supported Target Build Platforms: Android, Gear VR, HTML5, iOS, Linux, MacOS, Oculus, PlayStation 4, Steam VR, Windows 32-bit, Windows 64-bit, Xbox One

Documentation: No

Important/Additional Notes: Need some help or want to give some feedback? Email us at support@unfgames.com so we can improve our packages!


  • 25女孩头像纹理
  • 4男孩头像纹理
  • 2种不同类型的纹理:胸围和半身
  • 高度可定制的卡片材料与化身一起使用


纹理数量: 89

支持的开发平台:Android,Gear VR,HTML5,iOS,Linux,MacOS,Oculus,PlayStation4,Steam VR,Windows32位,Windows64位,Xbox One

支持的目标构建平台:Android,Gear VR,HTML5,iOS,Linux,MacOS,Oculus,PlayStation4,Steam VR,Windows32位,Windows64位,Xbox One


重要/附加说明:需要一些帮助或想提供一些反馈? 电邮至support@unfgames.com 所以我们可以改进我们的包装!

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Grab our FREE Blueprints course here!

Making a visual novel? Perhaps you are making an strategy game and you have some dialog scenes? We all love to see avatars when there is dialog in the game, it adds a lot of personality to the character and it will make your game look much better!

加入我们的社区! https://discord.gg/CCRGqNMm6F


制作视觉小说? 也许你正在做一个战略游戏,你有一些对话场景? 我们都喜欢在游戏中有对话的时候看到化身,它给角色增添了很多个性,它会让你的游戏看起来更好!
