
  •  Runtime parsing of CSV text files in blueprints or C++
  •  Conversion library for strings representing quaternions
  • Supports arrays, maps, sets, nested structs and localized text objects represented as a string

Code Modules:

  •  easyCSV: A runtime module that handles parsing,

Number of Blueprints nodes: 21

C++ Classes: 2

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Win64, Mac

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win32, Win64, Android, Mac, iOS, tvOS



Project Files: Includes a TestStruct.csv (CSV_Test\Saved) that can be edited with the results showing in the output log when ‘Execute It’ is clicked. Requires plugin.


  •  蓝图或C++中CSV文本文件的运行时解析
  •  表示四元数的字符串的转换库
  • 支持数组、映射、集合、嵌套结构和以字符串表示的本地化文本对象


  •  easyCSV:处理解析的运行时模块,








项目文件: 包括一个TestStruct。csv(CSV_Test\Saved),当单击”执行它”时,可以编辑输出日志中显示的结果。 需要插件。

Which plugin is right for me? Compare easyCSV, Runtime DataTable and GSheets Operator.

Games and applications are data-rich and sometimes you want to drive or edit this data from outside of the engine – this is where spreadsheets really shine. You can store information about objects, characters, or even create save data using simple plain text then bring it into the engine through an external file.

If you have used Data Tables in the engine in the past, you know that you can import/export that data using CSV among other formats but this is only available when not in-game. With easyCSV you can get data in a string format at any time and use Blueprint or C++ “from string” methods to convert data from string.

If you want to convert a CSV to your game’s data types automatically at runtime (or download it from a public Google Sheet) or export a local CSV from your game’s data, please see Runtime DataTable.

哪个插件适合我? 比较easyCSV,运行时DataTable和GSheets运算符。

游戏和应用程序是数据丰富的,有时您想从引擎外部驱动或编辑这些数据 – 这就是电子表格真正闪耀的地方. 您可以存储有关对象,字符的信息,甚至可以使用简单的纯文本创建保存数据,然后通过外部文件将其带入引擎。

如果您过去在引擎中使用过数据表,则知道您可以使用CSV以及其他格式导入/导出该数据,但这仅在游戏中不可用时可用。 使用easyCSV,您可以随时以字符串格式获取数据,并使用Blueprint或C++”from string”方法从字符串转换数据。

如果您想在运行时自动将CSV转换为游戏的数据类型(或从公共Google表格下载),或从游戏的数据导出本地CSV,请参阅 运行时数据表.
