- Easy to use.
- Check if location is visible in fog of war.
- Quickly implement a ready to use fog of war.
- Component based workflow.
- Add/Remove fog of war components at runtime.
- Access fog of war functions as static functions.
- Enable or disable fog of war completely via static function.
Code Modules:
- AgoraFogOfWar [Runtime]
Number of Blueprints: 0
Number of C++ Classes: 5
Network Replicated: Not tested as this was designed primarily for a single player game.
Supported Development Platforms: All platforms that Unreal supports.
Supported Target Build Platforms: All platforms that Unreal supports.
Documentation: Click here.
Example Project: None available
Important/Additional Notes: Have a nice day! :)
- 易于使用。
- 检查位置是否在战争迷雾中可见。
- 快速实施一个随时可用的战争迷雾。
- 基于组件的工作流。
- 在运行时添加/删除war组件的雾。
- 访问fog of war函数作为静态函数。
- 通过静态功能完全启用或禁用战争迷雾.
- AgoraFogOfWar[运行时]
文件: 点击这里.
重要/附加说明:祝您有美好的一天! :)
This plugin will let you add fog of war system into your top-down or rts games. All the functions are static which means you can easily access the functions from anywhere in Blueprints or C++. I haven't tested this in multiplayer as this system was primarily designed for single player game.
Want to see this in an actual game? Check this out.
Showcase Video: https://youtu.be/wkduhCnZbPc
Join Discord: https://discord.gg/Zmd2EGcfz2
这个插件可以让你添加 战争迷雾 系统到您的自上而下或rts游戏。 所有函数都是静态的,这意味着您可以从蓝图或C++中的任何位置轻松访问函数。 我还没有在多人游戏中测试这一点,因为这个系统主要是为单人游戏设计的。
想在实际的游戏中看到这个吗? 看看这个.
展览短片: https://youtu.be/wkduhCnZbPc
加入不和谐: https://discord.gg/Zmd2EGcfz2