
  • Full source code
  • Realtime rendered previews of Widget Blueprint assets in the Content Browser
  • Win64, MacOS and Linux support

Code Modules:

  • WidgetThumbs 

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 3

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Win64, MacOS & Linux

Supported Target Build Platforms: Editor Only

Documentation: None needed


  • 完整源代码
  • 在内容浏览器中实时呈现控件蓝图资源的预览
  • Win64,MacOS和Linux支持


  • N.壁球,壁球 

蓝图数目: 0

C++类数: 3





Are you tired of sifting through all of your Widget Blueprints trying to find the one you are looking for. Only to open it and find out the one you chose isn’t the right one and start over again. Having every icon look identical makes the process tedious and time consuming.

The Widget Thumbnails plugin can be enabled for any project and instantly displays realtime rendered previews of your actual widgets as thumbnails in the Content Browser. No more guessing which widget is which. You’ll be amazed how much easier you can find what you’re looking for.

您是否厌倦了筛选所有小部件蓝图,试图找到您正在寻找的蓝图。 只有打开它,发现你选择的不是正确的,然后重新开始。 让每个图标看起来都是相同的,这使得这个过程既繁琐又耗时。

小部件缩略图 插件可以为任何项目启用,并立即在内容浏览器中以缩略图的形式显示实际小部件的实时渲染预览。 不再猜测哪个小部件是哪个。 你会惊奇地发现你能更容易地找到你要找的东西。
