
  •  Use the ChunkDownloader plugin in Blueprints

  •  Download game files on demand

  •  Patch your game

Code Modules

  •  ChunkCore [Runtime]

Number of C++ Classes: 10+

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac

Documentation: https://eeldev.com/

ChunkDownloader Documentation: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/SharingAndReleasing/Patching/ChunkDownloader/index.html


  • This is a Blueprint Wrapper plugin for the ChunkDownloader Plugin that is shipped with UE 4.26+ and as such you’ll be referred to the official ChunkDownloader Plugin’s documentation.

  • For technical questions regarding the Chunk Downloader plugin you will have to reach out to Epic for support as they are the author of that plugin.


  •  在蓝图中使用ChunkDownloader插件

  •  按需下载游戏文件

  •  修补你的游戏


  •  ChunkCore[运行时]

C++类数: 10+

支持的开发平台: 窗户

支持的目标构建平台: Windows,Linux,Mac

文件: https://eeldev.com/

ChunkDownloader文档: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/SharingAndReleasing/Patching/ChunkDownloader/index.html


  • 这是一个 蓝图包装器 插件的 [医]拆装机 UE4.26+附带的插件,因此您将被推荐给官方 [医]拆装机 插件的文档。

  • 有关Chunk Downloader插件的技术问题,您必须联系Epic寻求支持,因为他们是该插件的作者。

The ChunkCore plugin is a Blueprint wrapper for the ChunkDownloader Plugin

ChunkDownloader is a patching solution for Unreal Engine. It downloads assets from a remote service and mounts them in memory for use in your games, enabling you to provide updates and assets with ease.

For technical questions regarding the Chunk Downloader plugin you will have to reach out to Epic for support as they are the author of that plugin.

Product Support
  • For product support and technical support you’ll have to verify product ownership as stated here: https://eeldev.com/help

  • You can find product support hours and more information in the link above.

  • For technical questions regarding the Chunk Downloader plugin you will have to reach out to Epic for support as they are the author of that plugin.


该 [医]大核 插件是一个蓝图包装器 [医]拆装机 插件

[医]拆装机 是一个修补解决方案 虚幻引擎. 它从远程服务下载资源并将其挂载到内存中以供游戏使用,使您能够轻松提供更新和资源。

有关Chunk Downloader插件的技术问题,您必须联系Epic寻求支持,因为他们是该插件的作者。

  • 产品支持技术支持 您必须验证此处所述的产品所有权: https://eeldev.com/help

  • 你可以找到产品 支援时间 和更多信息在上面的链接。

  • 有关Chunk Downloader插件的技术问题,您必须联系Epic寻求支持,因为他们是该插件的作者。
