Morpher can help you achieve:
- Character Customization
- Change Character’s Weight, Age, Posture, etc.
- Morph Unique Skeletons
- Create a variety of NPCs
- Programmable Morphs via BP or C++
- Drive Morphs with Anim Curves
- Non-Uniform Scale & Squash/Stretch
- Complex IK Handling maintains offset to support animation warping
- Tested with complex animation graphs
- Retargets in realtime using IK Retargeter with support for Copy Pose from Mesh also
- Innately handles weapon/mesh attachments
- Async Morph Processing for performance
- Performance profiling: “stat morpher” to see performance statistics and optimize your morphs
Code Modules:
- Morpher (Runtime)
- MorpherGraphNodes (UncookedOnly)
- MorpherEditor (Editor)
Network Replicated: Morpher is 100% compatible with multiplayer games! Read documentation for more information
Supported Development Platforms: Win64
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64
- 角色定制
- 改变角色的体重、年龄、姿势等.
- 变形独特的骨骼
- 创建各种Npc
- 通过BP或C++可编程变形
- 使用动画曲线驱动变形
- 非均匀尺度及壁球/拉伸
- 复杂的IK处理维护偏移以支持动画翘曲
- 用复杂的动画图测试
- 使用IK Retargeter实时重新定位,同时支持网格体的复制姿势
- 天生处理武器/网格附件
- 性能的异步变形处理
- 性能分析:”stat morpher”以查看性能统计信息并优化您的morphs
- 变形器(运行时)
- MorpherGraphNodes(UncookedOnly)
- MorpherEditor(编辑)
网络复制: Morpher与多人游戏100%兼容! 阅读文档以获取更多信息
MORPHER VERSION 2 IS HERE – Featuring the gold standard of replication utilizing FFastArraySerializer for efficient delta replication with user-settable float compression to optimize net bandwidth consumption significantly. It can automate the sending of RPCs with user-settings to customize the behaviour. In many cases it is as simple as dropping a component on your character!
What is Morpher?
Morpher's primary purpose is to morph a skeletal mesh to achieve an interesting variety of NPCs, to allow players to customize their characters, or anything you can think of!
It is a small and clean plugin despite it's inherently complex internal nature.
Why do I want to buy Morpher?
Morpher is great for many use cases, such as:
- Character customization
- Driving character deformation with animations (eg. Squash/Stretch, enlarging a hand or weapon during an attack)
- Characters changing over time, eg. starving, growing, ageing, getting overweight after eating too much
- Adding variety to NPCs
- Shapeshifting, eg. transforming into The Hulk
If you want to alter your skeletal meshes via their bone transforms, its easily the best solution. Its clean, its efficient, its minimal, its beautifully commented and documented and created with designers in mind.
Morpher is designed to cover most if not every use-case, with full support for montages, runtime retargeting, copy pose from mesh, and so forth.
Read Carefully before Purchasing
Promotional content NOT included. This plugin includes Morphing functionality only, as well as a simpler version of the Morphing UI and a copy of Manny/Quinn/UE4Mannequin for demonstration purposes. Morpher does not include any characters, environments, music, fonts, nor any other forms of content at all. See the "What's in the Box?" images to see what is included.
Support for using Morpher is only provided via Discord and requires verification (instructions on Discord)
Official Dev Support does not extend to creating specific morph logic
MORPHER版本2在这里 -采用利用FFastArraySerializer进行高效增量复制的黄金标准,并采用用户可设置的浮动压缩,以显着优化净带宽消耗。 它可以通过用户设置自动发送Rpc以自定义行为。 在许多情况下,它就像在角色上放置组件一样简单!
- 角色定制
- 用动画驱动角色变形。 挤压/伸展,在攻击期间扩大手或武器)
- 字符随时间变化,例如。 饥饿,成长,衰老,吃得太多后超重
- 增加Npc的多样性
- 变形,例如。 变身绿巨人
如果你想通过骨骼变换来改变骨骼网格体,这很容易是最好的解决方案。 它干净,高效,简约,精美的评论和记录,并与设计师一起创造。
不包括促销内容。 此插件仅包含变形功能,以及更简单版本的变形UI和Manny/Quinn/UE4Mannequin的副本,用于演示目的。 Morpher不包括任何字符、环境、音乐、字体或任何其他形式的内容。 看到”盒子里有什么?”图像,看看包含了什么。
仅通过以下方式提供对使用Morpher的支持 不和谐 并要求验证(关于不和谐的说明)