
  •  Make high-speed, fast editing prefab like Blueprints
  • Edit each Instance per actor, optionally copy changes back to prefab asset
  •  Easily copy them back to the level as actors
  •  Easily move around and migrate without loosing any details
  • Create uniqueness with a powerful Randomization system
  • Harvest Meshes from Foliage and PCG (any volume)
  • Compatible with rdInst, a C++ Instanced StaticMesh Manager to handle large amounts of meshes in Editor and optionally at runtime if you choose to include it.
  • Assimilate child Actors Instances into one Actor.
  • Gives you the ability to share 1 Blueprint object through-out the whole level.
  • Copy meshes to the Foliage system
  • Convert Blueprints to LevelInstance Actors or PackedInstances.
  • When paired with rdInst, easily create Spawn Actors from existing actors

Code Modules:

  •  rdBPtools (Editor)

Number of Blueprints: 5

Number of C++ Classes: 12

Network Replicated: Actors in the Blueprints can be replicated.

Supported Development Platforms: Win64,Linux

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64,Linux

Documentation: https://recourse.nz/index.php/rdBPtools

Example Project: (N/A)

Important/Additional Notes:


  •  制作像蓝图一样的高速、快速编辑预制件
  • 编辑每个actor的每个实例,可选地将更改复制回预制资产
  •  轻松地将它们复制回作为actor的关卡
  •  轻松移动和迁移,而不会丢失任何细节
  • 使用强大的随机化系统创建唯一性
  • 从树叶和PCG(任何体积)收获网格
  • 与rdInst兼容,这是一个C++实例化StaticMesh管理器,用于在编辑器中处理大量网格,如果您选择包含它,则可以在运行时处理大量网格。
  • 将子Actor实例同化为一个Actor。
  • 使您能够在整个关卡中共享1个蓝图对象。
  • 将网格体复制到植物系统
  • 将蓝图转换为LevelInstance Actor或PackedInstances。
  • 与rdInst配对时,从现有actor轻松创建产卵Actor


  •  rdBPtools(编辑)









Demo Video: https://youtu.be/CZhwYjf6T2w

Website: https://recourse.nz

Documentation: https://recourse.nz/index.php/rdBPtools

Discord Channel: Here.

Note: Unlike most Professional versions, rdTools Pro licenses give you a license for unlimited seats within your company/studio.

Latest Version: 1.33 – 18th November 2024

rdBPtools is a C++ (editor only) plugin that focuses on creating highly optimized groups of Instanced StaticMeshes in prefab like Blueprints – you can harvest actors of any type (non static meshes are stored as ChildActorComponents) – even harvesting mesh instances from other volumes such as Foliage Actors or PCG volumes.

Even edit individual instances!

rdBPtools harvesting isn’t skin-deep either – it optionally goes through the hierarchy of actors and components and converts them to instances in the main blueprint too – significantly reducing the number of actors/components.

These types of Prefabs are vastly more optimized than traditional ones. Large amounts of actors and/or components like in traditional prefabs slow down both the editor and the runtime – often to a halt, making them unusable – Blueprint Prefabs created with rdBPtools are fast both at runtime and in the editor.

Check out these benchmarks

It also has a sophisiticated Randomization system built in which allows you to add “variety” to any object. These Random changes are all configured by global “random seeds” so you can produce the same results whenever you want – or completely random.

rdBPtools is compatible with rdInst, a c++, optimized Instanced Static Mesh Manager that makes working with Instances very easy. You can publish your games with this plugin or save your Blueprints with other types of Static Mesh systems – or make your own.

Using a prefab like Blueprint, you can have just one object (e.g. a Room) in your level, and dynamically move it to the correct place on triggers such as doors opening or trigger boxes being entered. With the Randomization system, the room can look unique each time (or be controlled by Random Seeds so each room will always be the same).

It’s not limited to rooms – think things like underground car-parks etc.

演示视频: https://youtu.be/CZhwYjf6T2w

网站: https://recourse.nz

文件: https://recourse.nz/index.php/rdBPtools

不和谐频道: 这儿。

注意:与大多数专业版本不同,rdTools Pro许可证为您提供公司/工作室内无限席位的许可证。





这些类型的预制件比传统的预制件优化得多。 大量actor和/或组件(如传统预制件中的actor和/或组件)会减慢编辑器和运行时的速度-通常会停止,使它们无法使用-使用rdBPtools创建的蓝图预制件在运行时和编辑器


它还内置了一个诡辩的随机化系统,允许您为任何对象添加”多样性”。 这些随机变化都是由全局”随机种子”配置的,因此您可以随时产生相同的结果-或者完全随机。

rdBPtools与rdInst兼容,rdInst是一个c++优化的实例化静态网格体管理器,使使用实例变得非常容易。 您可以使用此插件发布游戏,也可以将蓝图保存到其他类型的静态网格体系统中,或者制作自己的蓝图。

使用像蓝图这样的预制件,您可以在关卡中只有一个对象(例如一个房间),并动态地将其移动到触发器上的正确位置,例如门打开或触发器框被输入。 使用随机化系统,房间每次看起来都是唯一的(或者由随机种子控制,所以每个房间总是相同的)。

