
  • Set of functions to help in managing temperatures at ease
  • Set of variables to configure the temperature state of any object (Temperature source or receiver)
  • Events to implement code logic depending on temperature variations and states 

Number of Blueprints: 00

Number of C++ Classes: 02

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  • 一套功能,帮助轻松管理温度
  • 用于配置任何对象(温度源或接收器)的温度状态的变量集
  • 根据温度变化和状态实现代码逻辑的事件 



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The plugin will make your life easier when it comes to handling anything related to managing temperatures: heating, cooling, burning, freezing,…etc. It can be used in unlimited scenarios where you’ll need to manage the temperature of an object and make decisions depending on the temperature variations. To point some usage examples of the plugin we could name:

  • Factory machines overheating: a process where some machines will work for a certain amount of time and will need to be turned off to cool down before starting to work again.
  • Microwave heating
  • Cooking a meal to certain specific temperatures otherwise it won’t be as delicious or worse, could get burned.
  • Medical assistance when the patient body temperature gets too high, we could get it down by giving him some medical treatments
  • In FPS games where a machine gun or any other weapon that could overheat from being used too much and need to cooldown.
  • A car engine overheats and needs specific liquids to cool down.
  • Blacksmith sword heating and forging
  • Barbecue meat cooking

当涉及到处理与管理温度相关的任何事情时,该插件将使您的生活更轻松:加热,冷却,燃烧,冷冻,。..等。 它可以在无限的场景中使用,您需要管理对象的温度并根据温度变化做出决定。 为了指出插件的一些使用示例,我们可以命名:

  • 工厂机器过热:一个过程,一些机器将工作一定的时间,将需要关闭冷却,然后再开始工作。
  • 微波加热
  • 烹饪一顿饭到某些特定的温度,否则它不会像美味或更糟,可能会被烧毁。
  • 医疗援助当病人体温过高时,我们可以给他一些治疗来降低体温
  • 在FPS游戏中,机枪或任何其他可能过热的武器被使用太多,需要冷却。
  • 汽车发动机过热,需要特定的液体来冷却。
  • 铁匠剑加热锻造
  • 烧烤肉类烹饪