• Efficient interface and film quality assets.
  • Blueprints with customizable parameters include: rocky planets, gas planets, stars.
  • All skyboxes can be edited via material instance. Skyboxes can be rotated inside the editor; inside the instance you can adjust tonality, saturation, contrast and brightness.
  • All texture-based materials like rocky planets and skyboxes have texture parameters, so if you have your own texture set you can plug them in the parameters and use them.
  • This collection includes the files from the following asset packs: Planet Creators 1 V2 and 2 V2, Star Creator, Space skybox collections 4, 5 and 6, Lens flares pro.
  • The asset pack is 5.07 Gb
  • Diffuse textures for planets come in 2 sizes: 8192×8192 and 2048×2048.
  • 2D map textures come in 1024 – 2048 – 4096 square formats.
  • Cube textures are 2048x2048x6.
  • Texture streaming has been disabled in all example maps to improve performances.

  • 高效的界面和电影质量资产.
  • 具有可自定义参数的蓝图包括:岩石行星,气体行星,恒星。
  • 所有skyboxes都可以通过材质实例进行编辑。 可以在编辑器内旋转天空框;在实例内,您可以调整色调、饱和度、对比度和亮度。
  • 所有基于纹理的材质(如rocky planets和skyboxes)都有纹理参数,因此如果您有自己的纹理集,则可以将它们插入参数并使用它们。
  • 这个集合包括来自以下资产包的文件:行星创造者1v2和2v2,明星创造者,太空天空盒集合4,5和6,镜头耀斑专业。
  • 资产包为5.07Gb
  • 行星的漫反射纹理有2种尺寸:8192×8192和2048×2048。
  • 2D地图纹理进来1024 – 2048 – 4096 方形格式。
  • 立方体纹理是2048x2048x6。
  • 在所有示例地图中已禁用纹理流,以提高性能。

Preview: https://youtu.be/3X6MATVe6Is

Space Creator Pro (a bundle with more space elements): https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/space-creator-pro

The Space Creator is a collection of Blueprints and Materials that allow to quickly realize space scenes with film quality assets for planets, stars, and skyboxes.

Each object in the scene is completely controllable by the parameters panel like any basic object provided by the Engine: this allows you to shape the surface of planets, assemble the cloud layers of gas giants, fill worlds with ice or lava and create stars in minutes, all working only inside the scene.

So whether you are a film maker, a game developer, or an environment artist this asset pack may be helpful to immensely shrink down times in your creative process, offering an efficient interface and high quality assets.

预览: https://youtu.be/3X6MATVe6Is

Space Creator Pro(包含更多空间元素的捆绑包): https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/space-creator-pro



