Please read the information on the forum before asking questions, thanks!

Also on the forum we will be adding useful information from which you can learn how additional customize and optimize the content.

>WARNING!!!!!< Billboards use unlit shader. A special blueprint “BP_BillboardLighting” was created to customize the lighting of billboards. Necessarily put it to the scene and adjust the lighting of the billboards!

  • Physically-Based Rendering: Yes
  • Texture Size: from 512*512 – 2048*2048
  • Collision: Yes
  • Triangle Count: on average 1545 per 0LOD, 784 per 1LOD, 350 per 2LOD, 20 per 3LOD (billboards)
  • LODs: Yes, 2 LODs for each model + billboards
  • Landscape: 1
  • Blueprints: 1
  • Number of Models: 296
  • Number of Material Instances: 375
  • Number of Materials: 4
  • Demo Scenes: 2 (PC and Mobile)
  • Number of Textures: 756 (Base Color and Normal map)
  • Platforms Tested: Windows 10 x64, Android Mi Mix 2S and Leeco Le2 x527

Test results on different platforms can be found on the forum.

Support email:



>警告!!!!!< 广告牌使用unlit shader。 创建了一个特殊蓝图”BP_BillboardLighting”,用于自定义广告牌的照明。 一定要把它放到现场,调整广告牌的照明!

  • 基于物理的渲染: 是的
  • 纹理尺寸: 从512*512 – 2048*2048
  • 碰撞: 是的
  • 三角形计数: 平均每0LOD1545,每1LOD784,每2LOD350,每3LOD20(广告牌)
  • Lod: 是的,每个型号2个Lod+广告牌
  • 景观: 1
  • 蓝图: 1
  • 型号数目: 296
  • 材质实例数: 375
  • 材料数量: 4
  • 演示场景: 2(个人电脑及流动电话)
  • 纹理数量: 756(基色和法线贴图)
  • 测试平台: Windows10x64,Android Mi Mix2s和Leeco Le2X527



Video presentation:

Link to the table of parameters.

>> Table <<

Forum link. More details and information.

https: // / …

“Trees and plants for Mobile” is primarily target at mobile platforms and devices. It includes 296 models of deciduous trees and other plants that will help you quickly create beautiful natural scenes on mobile devices and other platforms. Each tree has the variant of autumn, winter and summer.

The peculiarity of the content is excellent optimization and simple materials. Each tree contains of no more than 2000 triangles, while save a good view. All LODs were created and corrected manually, which gives a smooth transition between LODs while saving the view. In addition, all trees have billboards, including a top view. The content is fully compatible with static lighting, all models have good lightmaps (no errors).

There is a master instance that allows you to make changes to all materials at once, which saves you from manually switching of parameters in each instance material.

NOTE: if the scene is lighter or darker, change the auto-exposure parameters in post-processing.



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论坛链接。 更多细节和信息。 /。..

“移动树木和植物”主要针对移动平台和设备。 它包括296种落叶树和其他植物模型,可帮助您在移动设备和其他平台上快速创建美丽的自然场景。 每棵树都有秋季,冬季和夏季的变种。

内容的特点是优秀的优化和简单的材料。 每棵树包含不超过2000个三角形,同时保存一个很好的视图。 所有Lod都是手动创建和更正的,这在保存视图的同时提供了Lod之间的平滑过渡。 此外,所有树木都有广告牌,包括顶视图。 内容与静态照明完全兼容,所有型号都有良好的光照贴图(没有错误)。


