
  • Includes one Japanese anime-style character. (With walk/run animation)
  • The rendering core is based on custom shader lighting instead of traditional PostProcess.
  • 3 character BP for example demo.
  • Material Function for 5 core Light Models.
  • Supporting single light source CastShadow.

Number of Unique Materials and Material Instances: 4 material for shader core

Number of Textures: 6 texture for shader core + 7 textures for character

Supported Development Platforms: All

Performance: Due to the Unlit model not accepting shadows, the provided CastShadow solution relies on the PerObjectShadowMap method to obtain shadows. It supports shadow casting from a single light source only, and using this feature extensively may impact performance.

Important/Additional Notes: The content shown in the trailer and product images will not be provided in its entirety with this product.


  • 包括一个日本动漫风格的角色。 (带步行/跑步动画)
  • 渲染核心基于自定义着色器照明,而不是传统的后处理。
  • 3字符BP例如演示。
  • 5芯灯型号的材质功能。
  • 支持单光源CastShadow。




性能:由于Unlit模型不接受阴影,因此提供的CastShadow解决方案依赖于PerObjectShadowMap方法来获取阴影。 它仅支持单个光源的阴影投射,广泛使用此功能可能会影响性能。


[Ver1.3 Updates]

[Ver1.2 Updates Trailer video][Ver1.2 Showcase][Ver1.2 Multi Light Tutorial]

[Ver1.1 Updates Trailer video]

[Trailer video]

[Showcase video]



CelesAnimeShader provides a solution for Japanese anime-style rendering, requiring no complex BP or C++ coding. With just a BaseColor texture, you can quickly transform your character into an anime-style rendering.

The rendering core is based on custom shader lighting instead of traditional PostProcess, allowing adjusting in lighting, shadows, colors, and fine details between characters.

The shading model uses the light-weight Unlit option, which significantly reduces unnecessary shadows generated by default lighting.

[Ver1.3 Updates]

After version 1.3, development for UE4 will no longer be supported.

  1. Emissive Part : Designate specific areas for emissive effects.
  2. Translucent : Provide two types of transparency modes.
  3. Permanent Shadow Intensity & Color : Add intensity control and color override functionality.
  4. CelesLight Fill Light : Introduce Fill Light mode to prevent shadows from forming on the character’s body.

[Ver1.2 Updates]

  1. Multi Light System : Enables materials to support Directional/Sky light colors and point light sources.
  2. Unlit Normal Map : Allows Unlit materials to utilize Normal Maps.

[Ver1.1 Updates]

  1. Permanent Shadow : Providing AO-like functionality using a mask texture to keep specific areas in shadow consistently.
  2. Color RampAtlas : Using curves to control colors, allowing for a more customized color effect.
  3. Outline Control : Control the thickness of the outline by painting VertexColor on specific parts of the character model where you don’t want the outline to be drawn, such as the mouth or teeth.
  4. DistanceField Shadow : An efficient shadow solution that utilizes the engine’s built-in DistanceField feature for shadow calculations.

[Key Features]

  1. Customizable gradient value for adjusting the softness or hardness of shadows.
  2. Two specular modes for anime-style highlights on hair or metallic objects.
  3. FakeSSS effect on the edges of the character model to enhance the three-dimensionality.
  4. Adjustable rim lighting color on models
  5. Outline effect is based on the outline of the model.

[Advanced Features]

  1. Edge highlights for producing highlights on the character model edges, adding a translucent effect.
  2. Supporting NormalMap.
  3. Supporting single light source CastShadow.

[Additional Items]

  1. Includes one Japanese anime-style character as a rendering reference.

*This character model is for demonstration purposes only and does not support the Epic skeleton.

[Technical Details and Considerations]

  1. By default, only the DirectionalLight source direction is supported, and multiple light source rendering is currently not available.
  2. Due to the Unlit model not accepting shadows, the provided CastShadow solution relies on the PerObjectShadowMap method to obtain shadows. It supports shadow casting from a single light source only, and using this feature extensively may impact performance.








Celestanimeshader为日本动漫风格的渲染提供了一个解决方案,不需要复杂的BP或C++编码。 只需一个底色纹理,您就可以快速将角色转换为动画风格的渲染。


着色模型使用light-weight Unlit选项,可显着减少默认光照产生的不必要阴影。



  1. 发光部分 :为自发光效果指定特定区域。
  2. 半透明 :提供两种类型的透明度模式。
  3. P有效的阴影强度和颜色 : 添加强度控制和颜色复盖功能。
  4. 天青石补光灯 :引入补光模式,防止在角色身上形成阴影。


  1. 多光系统 :使材料支持定向/天空光颜色和点光源。
  2. 未点亮法线贴图 :允许未点燃的材料利用法线贴图。


  1. 永久阴影 :使用蒙版纹理提供类似AO的功能,以保持特定区域的阴影一致。
  2. 颜色RampAtlas :使用曲线来控制颜色,允许更定制的颜色效果。
  3. 大纲控制 :通过在不希望绘制轮廓的角色模型的特定部分(例如嘴或牙齿)上绘制VertexColor来控制轮廓的厚度。
  4. 远场阴影 :利用引擎内置的DistanceField功能进行阴影计算的高效阴影解决方案。


  1. 可自定义渐变值,用于调整阴影的柔软度或硬度。
  2. 两个高光模式的动画风格的高光在头发或金属物体.
  3. FakeSSS对人物模型边缘的影响,以增强三维度。
  4. 模型上可调节的边缘照明颜色
  5. 轮廓效果基于模型的轮廓。


  1. 边缘高光用于在角色模型边缘产生高光,添加半透明效果。
  2. 支持NormalMap。
  3. 支持单光源CastShadow。


  1. 包括一个日本动漫风格的角色作为渲染参考.



  1. 默认情况下,仅支持DirectionalLight光源方向,多个光源渲染当前不可用。
  2. 由于Unlit模型不接受阴影,因此提供的CastShadow解决方案依赖于PerObjectShadowMap方法来获取阴影。 它仅支持单个光源的阴影投射,广泛使用此功能可能会影响性能。