Number of Audio Waves: 144
Number of Audio Cues: 144
Sample rate / bit rate: 44,100 Hz / 16bit
Do Sound FX loop: No
Minutes of audio provided: 3 minutes and 19 seconds
Tags: cute, kawaii, funny, sounds, sfx, interface, user interface, positive, menu, game sound, sound, sound effects, sounds, user interface sfx, achievement sfx, positive, sfx, postive, negative, alerts, notifications, musical SFX, sound pack, user interface, ui, game sound, game sounds, sfx, sound effects, ui notifications, negative, sounds, alerts, ui sfx, achievement, positive game sounds, musical sounds, fanfare, fanfares, achievement, bonus, prize, notification, fantasy, sounds, children, children game
音频波数: 144
音频提示数: 144
采样率/比特率: 44,100赫兹/16比特
做声音FX循环: 非也。
提供的音频分钟: 3分19秒
标签: 可爱的,可爱的,有趣的,声音,sfx,界面,用户界面,积极的,菜单,游戏声音,声音,声音效果,声音,用户界面sfx,成就sfx,积极的,sfx,积极的,消极的,警报,通知,音乐SFX,声音包,用户
Cute Game Sounds
144 High-quality sounds for cute, kawaii, funny, children video games.
Divided in:
– Musical SFX
– Clicks, buttons, menu
– Bonus, prize, positive
– Coins
– Negative, errors, alerts
– Notifications
– Etc…
🔊 YouTube Preview (hear the video preview of the 144 SFX)
This pack can be complemented with:
More about the pack:
– Intuitive file naming.
– A good resource for cute video games.
– Put more life into your game with this sounds.
– Recorded with Zoom H6 and Rode NT1-A.
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