10 Sets of High-Quality Textures

  • Tillable and Trim sheets
  • 2k resolution

A Handy Prop Master Material

  • Vertex paintable
  • Several sets of parameters

Disclaimer: Due to a known engine bug with vertex painting, a warning may be displayed about spending 0.0s repairing painted vertex colors. This warning can be removed by manually re-saving the level.


  • 可耕及修剪床单
  • 2k分辨率


  • 顶点绘画
  • 几组参数

免责声明:由于顶点绘制的已知引擎错误,可能会显示关于花费0.0s修复绘制的顶点颜色的警告。 可以通过手动重新保存级别来删除此警告。

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🆕 Compatibility Unreal Engine 5.4


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10 sets of high-quality textures extracted from the Gothic Megapack by Meshingun. The pack comes with handy master material for easy use.

  • All the textures are seamless and tileable.
  • AAA quality and close attention to detail.
  • Each texture set has a damaged version ready for vertex paint.
  • Snow layer ready for vertex paint.

Note: If you have the Gothic Megapack DO NOT purchase this pack. Gothic Megapack already has all these contents among tons of other contents.

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由Meshingun从哥特式Megapack中提取的10组高质量纹理。 该包配有方便的主材料,易于使用.

  • 所有的纹理都是无缝的和可倾斜的.
  • AAA质量和密切关注细节.
  • 每个纹理集都有一个损坏的版本,可用于顶点绘制。
  • 雪层准备顶点油漆。

注: 如果你有哥特式Megapack不要购买这个包。 Gothic Megapack已经在大量其他内容中拥有所有这些内容。
