Type of Emitters: All CPU
Number of Effects:
Buff FX : 1 Type x 4color various
Debuff FX : 1 Type x 4color various
State FX : 12 Type x 4color various
Glow FX : 3 Type x 4color various
Hit FX : 10 Type x 4color various
Loot FX : 2 Type x 4color various
MagicSquare FX : 3 Type x 4color various
Muzzle FX : 1 Type x 4color various
Portal FX : 4 Type x 4color various
Projectile FX : 4 Type x 4color various
Slash FX : 4 Type x 4color various
Mesh Trail FX : 4 Type x 4color various (Not Unreal engine Trail system)
49 Type VFX * 4color various
Number of Textures: 66
Number of Materials: Master Material: 2 / Material Instance: 69 / Material Function: 1
Number of Blueprints: 0
Number of Meshes: 7
Number of Particle Systems : 196
N.外汇,外汇 :1型x4色各种
Debuff FX :1型x4色各种
国家外汇 :12型x4色各种
辉光FX :3型x4色各种
打击外汇 :10型x4色各种
战利品FX :2型x4色各种
MagicSquare外汇 :3型x4色各种
枪口FX :1型x4色各种
门户FX :4型x4色各种
弹丸FX :4型x4色各种
斜线外汇 :4型x4色各种
网格跟踪FX :4Type x4color various(不是虚幻引擎跟踪系统)
Background, character, and monster modeling in YouTube videos are not available with that product.
Preview Video ——> Youtube
- StylishVFXCollection is a bundle of semi-cartoony particle effects.
- All effects can be easily re-sized, and re-colored.
- VFX with excellent performance. (low shader complexity)
- Check out the full list of effects at the bottom of this description.
预览视频——> Youtube的
- StylishVFXCollection是半卡通粒子效果的捆绑。
- 所有的效果都可以很容易地重新调整大小和重新着色。
- 性能优异的特效特效。 (着色器复杂度低)
- 查看此描述底部的完整效果列表。