
 Water Mill set (57 Static Mesh) 

 Village house set (15 Static Mesh) 

 Sundry set (27 Static Mesh) 

 Props scaled to Epic Skeleton: Yes

 Texture Size: mainly 2048 x 2048

 Collision: Yes

 Vertex Count: Ranges from 10 vertices to 62000

 LODs: Yes

 Number of Meshes: 137 Meshes

 Number of Materials and Material Instances: 243 Materials, 32 Material Instances

 Number of Textures: 656

 Number of Blueprint classes: 9

 Supported development platforms: Windows

 Windows: (Yes)

 Documentation: No

















Set: water mill and a small village. Homes furnished and decorated. Made in the form of a game, an open big world filled with vegetation, there is a menu with a choice of screen resolution, texture quality and shadow quality. There is a view of the first and third person, as well as a free camera. In the second part, it is planned to add a port on the seashore and a castle. Terrain and sky textures downloaded from https://polyhaven.com

Link to video: https://youtu.be/mHX_WWnXeOM

集:水磨和一个小村庄. 家庭家具和装饰。 以游戏的形式制作,一个充满植被的开放大世界,有一个菜单,可以选择屏幕分辨率,纹理质量和阴影质量。 有第一和第三人称的视图,以及一个免费的相机。 在第二部分中,计划在海边增加一个港口和一座城堡。 从下载的地形和天空纹理https://polyhaven.com

视频链接: https://youtu.be/mHX_WWnXeOM
