Number of Audio tracks: 340
Number of Audio Cues: 340
Sample rate \ bit rate: 44.1 kHz, 16bit Stereo WAVs
List of included tracks: METADATA PDF
Does music\audio loop: No
How many minutes of audio provided: 22 Minutes
音轨数目: 340
音频提示数: 340
采样率\比特率: 44.1kHz,16位立体声波
收录曲目列表: 元数据PDF
音乐\音频循环吗: 非也。
提供多少分钟的音频: 22分钟
JUST WHOOSH 2 is the second collection of heavy whoosh sound FX. This time the sounds come futuristic. Perfectly for any spaceships and stuff like that.
Whenever you need to give anything that moves and passes by the right sonic support and impact, then this library is exactly what you need.
All sounds in this asset pack have undergone a 2024 re-master.
Perfect for your film-, music-, or videogame productions.
Please check the SOUNDCLOUD PREVIEW and the METADATA PDF to hear and see what‘s inside.
只是嗖2 是重嗖嗖声FX的第二个集合。 这一次的声音来未来。 适合任何宇宙飞船之类的东西。
请检查 SOUNDCLOUD预览 而 元数据PDF 听听看里面有什么。