- Use buffs/debuffs to influence all the actors you want
- Create your own buffs/debuffs or customize already existing ones
- This product is fully customizeable and written in blueprints
- Every buff/debuff can be activated temporary or permanently
- This system can be applied to players and NPC’s
- Use your own health system with already existing buffs/debuffs such as “Regeneration” or “Bleeding”
- Every buff/debuff can be stackable or not
- Every buff has one of four behaviors which tells it how to react if it gets added to an actor and the same buff is already active (Do nothing, refresh, override old, stack)
Number of Blueprints: 13
Number of Materials: 1
Input: WASD – Movement, E – Switch buff icon visibility options
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Android, Linux, Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Android, Linux, Windows
Documentation: To learn how to script with this product, add your own buffs and more watch the tutorial video.
Tip for creating your own sprite sheet:
- The icon size must be 200×200 pixels.
- To use your icon sheet open “M_StatusIcons_Inst” or create a copy of it.
- Replace the texture parameter with your icon sheet texture.
- Replace “IconsX” with the amount of icons on the X-Axis.
- Replace “IconsY” with the amount of icons on the Y-Axis.
- 使用buff/debuffs来影响你想要的所有演员
- 创建自己的buff/debuffs或自定义已存在的buff/debuffs
- 本产品完全可定制,并用蓝图编写
- 每个buff/debuff都可以临时或永久激活
- 这个系统可以适用于玩家和NPC的
- 使用你自己的健康系统与已经存在的增益/减益,如”再生”或”出血”
- 每个buff/debuff都可以堆叠或不堆叠
- 每个buff都有四种行为之一,它告诉它如何反应,如果它被添加到一个actor并且相同的buff已经处于活动状态(什么都不做,刷新,复盖旧的,堆栈)
蓝图数目: 13
材料数量: 1
- 图标大小必须为200×200像素。
- 要使用您的图标表打开”M_StatusIcons_Inst”或创建它的副本。
- 将纹理参数替换为图标工作表纹理。
- 将”IconsX”替换为x轴上的图标数量。
- 将”IconsY”替换为Y轴上的图标数量。
This product provides the possibility to add buffs/debuffs to every actor you want. You can even create your own buffs/debuffs. This product includes two buff icon sheet Textures, you can edit them or just use your own. If you want to create your own buff/debuff or just play around with this system I strongly suggest that you watch the video tutorial before, this prevents you from messing up your project. If you want an actor to be affected by status effects, just apply a “BP_BuffComponent” to it. Every buff/debuff must inherit from “BP_Buff_Parent”.
Showcase: here
Tutorial: here (Timestamps in the description)
Credits: The icons are originally taken from game-icons.net under Creative Commons. Changes were made to one of the base icons and all of the recolored ones.
该产品提供了为您想要的每个演员添加增益/减益的可能性。 你甚至可以创建自己的buff/debuffs。 该产品包括两个buff图标表纹理,您可以编辑它们或只使用您自己的。 如果你想创建自己的buff/debuff或者只是玩这个系统,我强烈建议你之前观看视频教程,这可以防止你搞乱你的项目。 如果您希望actor受到状态效果的影响,只需对其应用”BP_BuffComponent”即可。 每个buff/debuff都必须继承自”BP_Buff_Parent”。
展览厅: 这里
教程: 这里 (说明中的时间戳)
学分:图标最初取自 game-icons.net 下 知识共享. 对其中一个基本图标和所有重新着色的图标进行了更改。