
  •  Heavily commented to explain what’s happening
  •  Easy to implement
  •  Robust and simple to customize
  •  Setting up input requires only one interface and method to work
  •  Adding the Radial Menus to your widgets is just a simple drop in and a call to a single function
  •  Includes an interface for receiving events inside your custom radial widgets

Number of Blueprints: 14

Input: Joystick and Mouse

Network Replicated: N/A (UI is client side only always)

Supported Development Platforms: PC (only tested on PC, never tested on MacOs or Linux)

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, Xbox One, PS4

Documentation: https://genericradialmenus.readthedocs.io/en/latest/


  •  大量评论来解释发生了什么
  •  易于实施
  •  强大且易于定制
  •  设置输入只需要一个接口和方法即可工作
  •  将径向菜单添加到您的小部件只是一个简单的插入和调用一个函数
  •  包含用于在自定义径向小部件中接收事件的接口





支持的目标构建平台:PC,Xbox One,PS4

文件: https://genericradialmenus.readthedocs.io/en/latest/


Version 2.0 Notes:

  • 15 new radial textures (for a total of 19)
  • Custom input! Feed your own input into the menus for extra versatility. Any Vector2D works, so go crazy!
  • New material system – customize look and color of your menu in editor

Multimenu sample in action: https://youtu.be/OEedq1nQi-U

Simple weapon selection in action: https://youtu.be/Hyv_Sdu6YPg

Many modern console and PC games use radial menus to give their users a fast, fluid and dynamic experience. The goal of Generic Radial Menus is to give you the power to add the same to your project with as little hassle as possible. That way you can focus on making the systems you care about. Whether you’re adding an emote selector, a build menu or even just a simple weapon selection menu, this system gets out of your way and let’s you do what’s most important: making the actual game. Adding widgets to the menu is the same as with any layout box. You create your widget, call a single function and the radial menu will handle the rest.

Getting started tutorials are here!

Feel free to ask any questions on the Discord!

Like that last screenshot? Check out Worlds of the Future here: https://moonmengames.com/



  • 15个新的径向纹理(共19个)
  • 自定义输入! 将您自己的输入输入到菜单中,以获得额外的多功能性。 任何Vector2D工作,所以发疯!
  • 新材质系统-在编辑器中自定义菜单的外观和颜色

Multimenu样品在行动: https://youtu.be/OEedq1nQi-U

简单的武器选择在行动: https://youtu.be/Hyv_Sdu6YPg

许多现代控制台和PC游戏使用径向菜单为用户提供快速,流畅和动态的体验。 通用径向菜单的目标是让您能够在尽可能少的麻烦的情况下将相同的菜单添加到项目中。 这样你就可以专注于制造你关心的系统。 无论你是添加一个表情选择器,一个构建菜单,甚至只是一个简单的武器选择菜单,这个系统走出你的方式,让你做什么是最重要的:制作实际的游戏。 向菜单中添加小部件与任何布局框相同。 您创建小部件,调用单个函数,径向菜单将处理其余部分。

入门教程是 这儿!

请随时就 不和谐!

就像上次的截图? 退房 未来的世界 这里: https://moonmengames.com/
