
  • 100% Blueprints
  • Gravity volumes are fully dynamic (can move, can be changed from Blueprints)
  • Planet (spherical) gravity also supported (can be inverted)
  • Volumes has priorities
  • One actor can be affected by multiple volumes with same priority
  • Object pick up/carry/throw system included
  • Can be extended with more complex gravitational shapes (requires basic Blueprints knowledge)
  • Custom First Person and Third Person characters are derived from the pawn class (BP_GravityCharacterFP and BP_GravityCharacterTP can be switched in gamemode BP)

Important note

This system doesn’t work with default UE4 characters(that use CharacterMovement component), because they are designed to work in -Z gravity only. So this system provides custom character classes, that are derived from the pawn class.

So, beware! Probably you’ll need a solid blueprints knowledge to integrate this system(in case of character movement) into project that has already progressed far in development process.

Number of Blueprints: 10

Input: Gamepad, Keyboard, Mouse

Network Replicated: No

VR support: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows

Documentation: Additional information and examples are provided on DemoMap (Support email: roman11smirnov@gmail.com)


  • 100%蓝图
  • 重力体积是完全动态的(可以移动,可以从蓝图更改)
  • 行星(球形)重力也支持(可以倒置)
  • 卷有优先级
  • 一个actor可以受到具有相同优先级的多个卷的影响
  • 包括物体拾取/携带/投掷系统
  • 可以扩展更复杂的重力形状(需要基本的蓝图知识)
  • 自定义第一人称和第三人称字符派生自pawn类(bp_gravitcharacterfp和Bp_gravitcharactertp可以在gamemode BP中切换)


此系统不适用于默认的UE4字符(使用CharacterMovement组件),因为它们设计为仅在-Z重力中工作。 因此,该系统提供了自定义字符类,这些类派生自pawn类。

所以,要小心! 也许你需要一个坚实的蓝图知识来将这个系统(在角色移动的情况下)集成到已经在开发过程中取得了很大进展的项目中。







文档:DemoMap上提供了其他信息和示例(支持电子邮件: roman11smirnov@gmail.com)

Video: https://youtu.be/52aO2SGkqg0

Directional Gravity system allows you to control gravity direction and force for physics and movement. Gravity is specified by volumes placing in the world. Special GravityReceiver component allows physical actors to be affected by gravity volumes. There is custom first person and third person characters those are affected by gravity and orient themself according to gravity direction. 

短片: https://youtu.be/52aO2SGkqg0

定向重力系统允许您控制物理和运动的重力方向和力。 重力是由放置在世界上的体积来指定的. 特殊的GravityReceiver组件允许物理actor受到重力体积的影响。 有自定义的第一人称和第三人称字符受重力影响,并根据重力方向定向自己。 
