
  • Can Automatically Replace your old road generator by Using a special designed Editor Utility Blueprint.
  • Support of Custom Meshes, Blueprints and Quixel Megascans Meshes!
  • Procedurally Generate Custom Road
  • Procedurally Generate Custom Path
  • Procedurally Generate Custom Cave
  • Procedurally Generate Custom Tunnel
  • Procedurally Generate Custom Bunker
  • Support Custom Fence Generation and more generation than you can imagine!
  • Artist Driven Procedural Road/Spline Generation
  • Dynamic meshes and Blueprints Spawning
  • Unified content pipeline
  • Fully Randomizable Systems
  • Spline and Array Based
  • Advanced Material System
  • Seeded Systems
  • Non-Destructive workflow
  • Prefabrication Support
  • Automatic Road-Bridge Switching
  • Procedural and Manual Editing supported
  • Can be baked and/or Merged with UE4 Merging Tools

Number of Blueprints: 53 [ 3 Mains Blueprints & 50 Prefabs + Modules Blueprints]

Supported Development Platforms: All Unreal Supported Developpment Platforms

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Documentation: In Editor Step by Step Tutorial Included

Important Note: Buildings are part of Next Gen Modular Victorian Neoclassical City and Next Gen Modular City V3 and were created using Procedural Building Generator! Vehicles are from Vehicle Variety Pack, bunker meshes are from Bunker, tunnels are from City Subway Tunnel and none is included!


  • 可以通过使用特殊设计的编辑器实用程序蓝图自动替换旧的道路生成器。
  • 支持自定义网格,蓝图和Quixel Megascans网格!
  • 程序生成自定义道路
  • 程序生成自定义路径
  • 程序生成自定义洞穴
  • 程序生成自定义隧道
  • 程序生成自定义掩体
  • 支持自定义围栏生成和更多的一代比你能想象!
  • 艺术家驱动的程序道路/样条生成
  • 动态网格体和蓝图生成
  • 统一内容管道
  • 完全随机化系统
  • 基于样条和阵列
  • 先进的材料系统
  • 种子系统
  • 非破坏性工作流程
  • 预制支撑
  • 自动路桥切换
  • 支持程序和手动编辑
  • 可以烘焙和/或与UE4合并工具合并






重要提示:建筑物是 下一代维多利亚时代新古典主义城市下一代模块化城市V3 并使用 程序化建筑生成器! 车辆来自 车辆品种包,沙坑网格是从 地堡;地堡,隧道是从 城市地铁隧道 没有一个包括在内!

Look at our Procedural City Creator tools for generating Real City

Procedural Bunker Generator setup using PRG

PRG Automotive Bridge

PRG Tunnel

PRG Bunkers

PRG Cave

PRG Roads

PRG meets Procedural City Generator

PRG meets Rural Australia

Our Discord server for fast Support and Update

Our Procedural Road Generator aka PRG, designed for Next Gen Development, allow you to create road like you have never seen before! it features everything you need to create Next Gen Road with an extreme attention to detail generation as well as making your workflow a lot much easier, faster and boosting creativity and productivity! PRG not only allow you to create road but also generates caves, path, tunnels, bunkers and support many more generations!

Ideal for generating Post-Apocalyptic Road, Ultra detailed Road with a full artistic Control on every aspect of Road Creation!

Yes it supports Marketplace Meshes, Custom Meshes, Custom Blueprints and Quixel Megascans Meshes and Materials!

Imagine as you draw your custom road/path, everything is automatically placed (ranging from decals, scattered details, small meshes details, road damages, materials and everything you want…) according to your needs, isn't that magic? this is what this tool does!

-Note: this tool is part of our Next Gen Modular City v3 and Next Gen Modular Victorian Neoclassical City both supporting Exterior and Interiors

PRG Rural Australia Bonus Content (You need 4.26 or high and the free Rural Australia Pack)

看看我们的程序城市创造者 生成真实城市的工具










我们的程序道路发生器又名PRG,为下一代开发设计,允许您创建道路,像您从未见过! 它具有创建下一代道路所需的一切,非常注重细节生成,并使您的工作流程更容易,更快,并提高创造力和生产力! PRG不仅允许您创建道路,还可以生成洞穴,路径,隧道,掩体并支持更多代人!


是的,它支持市场网格,自定义网格,自定义蓝图和Quixel Megascans网格和材质!

想象一下,当您绘制自定义道路/路径时,所有内容都会自动放置(从贴花,分散的细节,小网格细节,道路损坏,材料和您想要的一切。..)根据你的需要,那不是魔法吗? 这就是这个工具的作用!

-注意:此工具是我们的一部分 下一代模块化城市v3下一代维多利亚时代新古典主义城市 两者都支持 外部和内部

澳洲乡村奖励内容 (你需要4.26或高和 免费澳洲乡村包)
