
  •  Spawn 2 connected portals through a gun . (Portal implying players goes through 1st portal and gets spawned through the 2nd portal)\
  • With a little modification the portals can be used independently without the gun if needed.
  • When both portals are spawned each of them shows the render target from the other one i.e. each portal shows the view as seen from the other.
  • Velocity can be transferred when teleporting from one portal to other (can be used to create unique gameplay/puzzles) .
  • When only one portal is spawned the portal has a custom material.
  • No matter the axis of teleportation the player will always look forward.
  •  Blueprints and assets are completely customisable i.e. you can change the color or textures of the portal as you want or change spawning sound effect or customise BP as per your need.
  • Projectiles and other assets can also be allowed or disallowed to pass through the portal by changing their collision settings.

Number of Blueprints: 3 – FirstPersonBP , Portal 1 and Portal 2

Input: Mouse inputs preconfigured.

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms :

Windows: Yes

Mac: Untested

Documentation: :None

Important/Additional Notes: The looks of these portals can be completely customised by adding new PNG or changing colors as you wish.


  •  通过枪产卵2个连接的门户。 (传送门暗示玩家通过第一传送门,并通过第二传送门产生)\
  • 稍加修改,门户可以独立使用,如果需要的话,没有枪。
  • 当两个门户生成时,它们中的每一个都显示了另一个的渲染目标,即每个门户显示了从另一个看到的视图。
  • 从一个传送门传送到另一个传送门时,速度可以转移(可用于创建独特的游戏/谜题)。
  • 当只生成一个门户时,门户具有自定义材质。
  • 无论传送轴的玩家将永远向前看。
  •  蓝图和资源是完全可定制的,即您可以根据需要更改门户的颜色或纹理,或根据需要更改生成声音效果或自定义BP。
  • 还可以通过更改其碰撞设置来允许或不允许投射物和其他资产通过门户。




支持的开发平台 :





Update – Added custom sound effects to the gun.

Edited the Portal material and made it more polished.

Video Preview (in play before update) – Here

This asset provides you with a complete blueprint ready to use portal gun. This project is made on first person template. An example map is given to test all its features. The obvious function of this portal gun is that 2 different portals can be spawned on the map anywhere on any wall that is 0 , 90 or 180 degree angle. The player can then teleport from on portal to another portal location. Each Portal shows the view as apparent from the other portal i.e. as seen by the other portal. This rendering gives a very realistic look to the portal gun.

Other feature is that the rotation of the player no matter which axis he teleported from he is always facing forward. This creates a smooth gameplay experience for the player.

Another important feature is the transfer of velocity from one portal to another on teleportation i.e. if the person enters a portal at high velocity he will come out of the other portal at a high velocity. This features can be uniquely used in a lot of ways to create many interesting puzzles .

And one small feature is that when only one portal is spawned on the map it has a different material and obviously the player can not teleport in that case.

更新资料 -添加自定义声音效果的枪。


视频预览(更新前播放) – 这里

此资源为您提供了一个完整的蓝图,可随时使用portal gun。 这个项目是在第一人称模板上制作的。 给出了一个示例地图来测试它的所有特征。 这个门户枪的明显功能是,2不同的门户可以在地图上任何地方在任何墙壁上产生0,90或180度角。 然后玩家可以从传送门传送到另一个传送门位置. 每个门户显示视图作为明显的从其他门户即看到由其他门户。 这个渲染给出了一个非常现实的外观门户枪.

另一个特点是玩家的旋转无论他从哪个轴传送他总是朝前。 这为玩家创造了流畅的游戏体验。

另一个重要特征是在传送过程中速度从一个传送门转移到另一个传送门,即如果这个人以高速进入一个传送门,他就会以高速从另一个传送门出来。 此功能可以在很多方面独特地使用,以创建许多有趣的谜题。

