Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  •  7 Jet Packs to fly around with.
  •  Materials with masking options to allow for easy customization of jet pack appearances.
  • Animations for the Unreal Skeleton to allow your characters to fly around with the jet packs on, with animations blueprints all fully set up to allow for quick and easy integration into your own characters with minimal hassle.
  • 2 Particle Effects and 4 wavs for the jet packs.
  • Engine glow effects for all thrustered jet packs

Number of Blueprints: 2 (demo third person character, and jetpacks master blueprint)

Input: Game pad, Keyboard, and Mouse. You will likely need to add an input Axis event for vertical movement into your project to fully use this product.

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: No

Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q2LbnOgYKrAMyRu7gb7NAcj4aKKj6c6qnoQhp9cVnrw/edit?usp=sharing


  •  7喷气包飞来飞去。
  •  材料与掩蔽选项,允许容易定制喷气包外观.
  • 虚幻骨架的动画允许您的角色在喷气包上飞来飞去,动画蓝图都完全设置,允许快速和容易地集成到您自己的角色,以最小的麻烦。
  • 2粒子效果和4波的喷气包。
  • 所有推进器喷气背包的发动机辉光效果

蓝图数量:2(演示第三人称角色,以及jetpacks master blueprint)

输入:游戏板,键盘和鼠标。 您可能需要在项目中添加用于垂直移动的输入轴事件才能充分使用此产品。





文件: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q2LbnOgYKrAMyRu7gb7NAcj4aKKj6c6qnoQhp9cVnrw/edit?usp=sharing

Demo Video

Example Project Integration Video (note this is for the original jet packs bundle, however the process is nearly identical minus the need for the sockets on the characters skeleton).



This pack contains seven types of jet packs.The Jetpacks are roughly named Angular, Ball, Grav, Heavy, Podded, Smooth, and Winged. These are all designed to match various science fiction aesthetics and styles. All jetppacks have ~2K textures for their main materials, and all the main materials also have masks that allow you to modify 3 parts of each packs main material plus add some glowing engine effects for those with engines. Higher resolution textures may be available if requested.

This pack contains all of the textures and materials needed for them to look good including mask and textures set up to allow for some customization of how the jet packs will look. It has all of the animations needed for your character (using default unreal skeleton) to fly around with the packs on their back. Four of the jet packs also have their own sets of animations for controlling their visuals based on how you are flying with them.

There are two blueprints, one for the third person character modified to have the jet pack actor on him, and the jet pack actor itself. This single actor is set up to work as any of the jet packs, and to be added to any character with maximum ease.

You would also need to open the third person characters animation blueprint and copy over the code there to your own characters to use it (as shown in the integration video or documentation), but it’s built to be easily copied and then to be merged in with the rest of your animation blueprints without getting in the way or making things unnecessarily confusing.

If you have any questions, be sure to post them here, on the YouTube demo video, or contact me more directly on the discord or via email. Contact info can be found in the documentation that is linked down below, along with many more fine details on this product and its contents.Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  •  7 Jet Packs to fly around with.

  •  Materials with masking options to allow for easy customization of jet pack appearances.

  • Animations for the Unreal Skeleton to allow your characters to fly around with the jet packs on, with animations blueprints all fully set up to allow for quick and easy integration into your own characters with minimal hassle.

  • 2 Particle Effects and 4 wavs for the jet packs.

  • Engine glow effects for all thrustered jet packs


示例项目集成视频 (请注意,这是针对原始jet packs bundle的,但是这个过程几乎是相同的,减去了角色骨架上的套接字的需要)。



这个包包含七种类型的喷气背包。喷气背包大致命名为Angular,Ball,Grav,Heavy,Podded,Smooth和Winged。 这些都是为了配合各种科幻美学和风格而设计的。 所有的喷气背包都有~2k的纹理为他们的主要材料,所有的主要材料也有面具,允许你修改每个包的3个部分的主要材料加上添加一些发光的引擎效果为那些有引擎。 如果需要,可以提供更高分辨率的纹理。

这个包包含了所有的纹理和材料需要他们看起来很好,包括面具和纹理设置允许一些定制的喷气包将如何看起来。 它具有角色所需的所有动画(使用默认的虚幻骨架),可以将包放在背上。 四个喷气包也有自己的一套动画控制他们的视觉基础上,你是如何与他们一起飞行。

有两个蓝图,一个是第三人称角色修改为有喷气背包演员在他身上,和喷气背包演员本身。 这个单一的演员被设置为工作的任何喷气包,并添加到任何字符最大的方便。


如果您有任何问题,请务必在这里发布,在YouTube演示视频,或更直接地联系我的不和或通过电子邮件。 联系信息可以在下面链接的文档中找到,以及有关此产品及其内容的更多详细信息。特点:(请包括一个完整的,全面的产品功能列表)

  •  7喷气包飞来飞去。

  •  材料与掩蔽选项,允许容易定制喷气包外观.

  • 虚幻骨架的动画允许您的角色在喷气包上飞来飞去,动画蓝图都完全设置,允许快速和容易地集成到您自己的角色,以最小的麻烦。

  • 2粒子效果和4波的喷气包。

  • 所有推进器喷气背包的发动机辉光效果
