- The Side Scroller Creator *Framework allows you to use pistol animations pack or rifle animations pack Separately or both by disabling (Use Two Weapons) feature.
- AI has the ability to [Shoot, Hear, See, Throw Grenades, Melle Attack, Kick, Reload].
- Crouch, Grenade, Aim up/Down and more feature [Enable, Disable]
- Change (Weapon, Mag) Mesh, SFX, VFX, Silencer, [Ammo, MaxAmmo, Mag Size] bullet damage, and more.
- Exchange Weapon [Replace, Destroy].
- Taking Method (By Touch, By Pressing Key).
- The ability to change Animation [Shooting, Reload] for each weapon.
- FirstAid / Grenade / Ammo Which can be all changed separately [Mesh, TakingMethod, Rotate with(None, X, Y, Z)] and more.
- Fully customizable Doors/ Keys/ Encrypted Door/ Elevators
- And More …
Number of Blueprints: 61 Blendspaces, 4 Aim Offsets, 15 Montages, 2 AnimBP
Input: (Keyboard)
Network Replicated: (No)
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
- 侧滚动条创建者*框架允许您通过禁用(使用两个武器)功能单独或同时使用手枪动画包或步枪动画包。
- AI具有[射击,听到,看到,投掷手榴弹,Melle攻击,踢,重新加载]的能力。
- 蹲伏,手榴弹,瞄准上/下和更多的功能[启用,禁用]
- 改变(武器,Mag)网格,SFX,VFX,消音器,[弹药,MaxAmmo,Mag尺寸]子弹伤害等等。
- 交换武器[替换,摧毁]。
- 采取方法(通过触摸,按键)。
- 为每个武器更改动画[射击,重新加载]的能力。
- FirstAid/手榴弹/弹药,可以单独更改[Mesh,TakingMethod,旋转(None,X,Y,Z)]等等。
- 完全可定制的门/钥匙/加密门/电梯
- 还有更多。..
蓝图数目: 61个混合空间,4个瞄准偏移,15个蒙太奇,2个动画
输入: (键盘)
Notes: Animations are not included except for the (Animation Starter Pack). you must delete it before you start working on your project because these animations are only for testing purposes,VFX and assets are not included This is only a Framework!
The main purpose of this project is to help you build your own game without the need for coding all you have to do is to drag and drop your [Models, VFX, SFX, Animations, etc.] in the slots as well as changing values such as [Health, Bullet Damage, Ammo, etc.] from the editor.
Important Notes:
- The animations are not included except Animation Starter Pack, The project was developed with Kubold’s Animset packs.
- VFX, SFX, 3D Models are not included you can use your own.
- The Side Scroller Creator allows you to use pistol animations pack or rifle animations pack Separately or both, I used in this project (Rifle Animset Pro) and (Pistol Animset Pro) from Kubold on Unreal Marketplace.
- VFX pack that used in this project [Ballistics FX] from Unreal marketplace which was given away for free by Epic Games previously.
注意事项: 动画不包括除了(动画初学者包). 您必须在开始处理项目之前删除它,因为这些动画仅用于测试目的,VFX和资产不包括在内这只是一个框架!
- 动画不包括除了动画初学者包,该项目是开发与库伯尔德的动画集包。
- VFX,SFX,3D模型不包括您可以使用自己的。
- 侧滚动条创建者允许您单独使用手枪动画包或步枪动画包或两者,我在这个项目中使用 (步枪动画专业版) 和 (手枪动画专业版) 来自库博德在虚幻商城。
- 在这个项目中使用的特效包 [弹道FX] 从虚幻的市场,这是免费赠送的史诗游戏之前。